Formats of citation

Hi! Currently I am trying to use Rmarkdown to prepare a manuscript. However, I don't know how to generate a citation like Henry's (1985) or Henry's (1985, 1986). The only two formats I know are Henry (1985) (@Henry1985) and (Henry, 1985) ([@Henry1985]). Can anyone help me fix this issue?

Furthermore, when I try to cite two papers by the same author which were published in different time, the dates are reversed (e.g. Henry (1986, 1985)). Is this a common problem or is it because I am using a specific template ( Elsevier template from R package rticle)? Thank you in advance!

I don't know about citation in Latex well, but I know that by default, Rmarkdown will use pandoc citeproc to process citation written in pandoc markdown. (like explained here 2.8 Citations | bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown and Pandoc Manual)

When you output is pdf with Latex, you can use a latex package to process citations. see 3.3 PDF document | R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

Maybe natbib or biblatex will offer more customization ? :thinking:

Hope it helps

Thank you so much for your prompt reply! I will check them immediately.

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