Full citations on Slidy slides

I like to put citations directly on slides.
I want a fairly complete citation to appear.
In a Slidy presentation YAML I can use, for example:

title: "Demo"
author: Doug

date: "r format(Sys.Date())"
footer: "doug"

csl: frontiers.csl
bibliography: test.bib

Then on slides I can enter citations with citr

This all works.
In contrast, 'note' style citations give the full reference inline at the point of the citation (I think).
But, if I try to use a 'note' .csl like:

All I get are number citations on the slide, and a bibliography at the end, whereas these .csl specify a 'note' format where the entire citation appears inline.
Is there a reason why RMarkdown fails to recognize 'note' citations?

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