Gauge graph using plotly


I am trying to replicate a gauge graph in R using plotly. When I run the code the graph does not appear, I do not know what seems to be the problem. Please help


fig1 <- plot_ly(
  domain = list(x = c(0, 0.45), y = c(0, 1)),
  value = 270,
  title = list(text = "Speed"),
  type = "indicator",
  mode = "gauge+number") 
fig1 <- fig1 %>% layout(margin = list(l=20,r=30))

I get this message when I run the code

package �plotly� was built under R version 3.5.3 Loading required package: ggplot2
package �ggplot2� was built under R version 3.5.3
Attaching package: �plotly�

The following object is masked from �package:ggplot2�:


The following object is masked from �package:stats�:


The following object is masked from �package:graphics�:


after you have run your code to create a plot into fig1 variable, you will need to run the variable name in the console to get the default plot behaviour to work.


I do that but then the graph does not appear

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