Get column from table

Does this look like what you're getting? (n.b. I'm using the reprex package here, which ensures that you can run the code and get the same thing. I copied and pasted the data from the table you have above using the datapasta package. For on using reprex in the community site, check out the reprex FAQ.).

dat <- tibble::tribble(
  ~participant, ~gender, ~age,    ~name, ~stimulusNr, ~stimulusFinalSound, ~stimulusSyllableCount, ~response,           ~reactionTime, ~accuracy,
             1,     "W",   20, "Leonie",          27,                 "V",                      2,   "right", "4.658.930.309.931.340",         1,
             1,     "W",   20, "Leonie",          48,                 "K",                      2,    "left", "8.419.140.877.029.390",         1,
             1,     "W",   20, "Leonie",          43,                 "V",                      2,    "left", "3.019.711.804.252.690",         1

#> Observations: 3
#> Variables: 10
#> $ participant           <dbl> 1, 1, 1
#> $ gender                <chr> "W", "W", "W"
#> $ age                   <dbl> 20, 20, 20
#> $ name                  <chr> "Leonie", "Leonie", "Leonie"
#> $ stimulusNr            <dbl> 27, 48, 43
#> $ stimulusFinalSound    <chr> "V", "K", "V"
#> $ stimulusSyllableCount <dbl> 2, 2, 2
#> $ response              <chr> "right", "left", "left"
#> $ reactionTime          <chr> "4.658.930.309.931.340", "8.419.140.877.02…
#> $ accuracy              <dbl> 1, 1, 1

Created on 2018-10-08 by the reprex package (v0.2.1.9000)