Getting data from one column and make new column category based on data from source column

Hi everyone.
I have a dataset of 200 rows. I want to make a new column category from the other column which has information of different machines ,like wheel loaders , buses, cranes.
For example Wheel loaders should be with category loaders, crane equipment to cranes catergory ,So I can plot the graph based on category. Is it possible to do .

What is the rule to map from the AssetNumber to the category?

To get the count of the Open jobs category wise(equipment).Below are the variables

    "Asset.Number"   (L-554, repeating 5 times in asset number column).
    "Work.Order" (ABC344 )       
     "Asset.Description (Wheel Loader 8.5 T)

I understand that you are saying there is a column called Asset.Description that contains the category plus some other information. It might be possible to extract the category from that column. We would need to know if there is a pattern to that column. Is the category always a single word that will appear only if it is the correct category? That is, if the code finds the word Loader, then the object belongs to the Loader category and there are never cases where both Loader and Crane appear in the Asset.Description?
If you provide a data set with the Asset.Description column and a complete set of the categories, someone could try to write the code to extract the category information. A simple way to post data is to copy and paste the output of a command like

dput(head(DF, 50))

where DF is that name of the data frame holding your data and the number 50 determines the number of rows selected from the start of the data. Paste the output in a response to this thread and place lines with three back ticks just before and after the output, like this
Paste your output here
Don't forget to also provide the list of categories.

Pipe Loaders
Bucket Loaders
Light Towers
Skid Loader
Tractor Head
Water Tanker
Welding Machine

Posting an image of data is much less helpful than posting the output of dput because it requires others to manually enter your data. I invented a tiny set of data to test my code.

DF <- data.frame(Asset.Description=c("Big Crane","Skid Loader 567",
                                     "341T Water Tanker"))

DF <- DF |> mutate(Category=case_when(
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Pipe Loader") ~ "Pipe Loaders",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Crane") ~ "Cranes",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Bus") ~ "Buses",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Ambulance") ~ "Ambulance",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Compressor") ~ "Compressors",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Bucket Loader") ~ "Bucket Loaders",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Forklift") ~ "Forklifts",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Generator") ~ "Generatorss",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Light Tower") ~ "Light Towers",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Skid Loader") ~ "Skid Loaders",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Stacker") ~ "Stacker",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Tractor Head") ~ "Tractor Head",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Water Tanker") ~ "Water Tanker",
  str_detect(Asset.Description, "Welding Machine") ~ "Welding Machine",)

#>   Asset.Description     Category
#> 1         Big Crane       Cranes
#> 2   Skid Loader 567 Skid Loaders
#> 3 341T Water Tanker Water Tanker

Created on 2022-01-27 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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