Getting summary by group and overall using tidyverse

I am trying to find a way to get summary stats such as means by group and overall in one step using dplyr

#Data set-up
sex <- sample(c("M", "F"), size=100, replace=TRUE)
age <- rnorm(n=100, mean=20 + 4*(sex=="F"), sd=0.1)
dsn <- data.frame(sex, age)


#Using dplyr to get means by group and overall
mean_by_sex <- dsn %>% 
  group_by(sex) %>% 
  summarise(mean_age = mean(age))

mean_all <- dsn %>% 
  summarise(mean_age = mean(age)) %>% 
  add_column(sex = "All")

#combining the results by groups and overall
final_result <- rbind(mean_by_sex, mean_all)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   sex   mean_age
#>   <fct>    <dbl>
#> 1 F         24.0
#> 2 M         20.0
#> 3 All       21.9
#This is the table I want but I wonder if is the only way to do this

Is there a way this in shorter step using group_by_at() or group_by_all() or ungroup() or a similar functions using tidyverse and dplyr
Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Probably the neatest option is janitor::adorn_totals().

there are more convoluted solutions just using tidyverse packages, but the above is most simple.

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Thank you martin.R. But how do you get the mean(age with the janitor::adorn_totals(). Would you be to share a short piece of code that could do it? Thank you

Sorry, I didn't read you query carefully enough. My solution only works for sums.

This SO link provides some options:

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I might change the column name sex to population, or something like that, but here's a possibility:

dsn %>%
  add_row(sex = 'All', age = mean(age)) %>% 
  group_by(sex) %>% 
  summarise(mean_age = mean(age))

Here's a tidy eval approach in which we create a function to do the grouping and summary. As usual with tidy eval, I'm not sure if this is the "right" or "intended" approach, but it works for a single grouping column:

# Data set-up
sex <- sample(c("M", "F"), size=100, replace=TRUE)
age <- rnorm(n=100, mean=20 + 4*(sex=="F"), sd=0.1)
dsn <- data.frame(sex, age)

fnc = function(data, group) {
  # Add a dummy "grouping" column for All data
  data = data %>% 
  # Convert grouping column to factor to avoid error when grouping var is numeric
  data = data %>% 
    mutate_at(group, as.factor)
  c("all", group) %>% 
      ~data %>% 
        group_by_at(vars(.x)) %>% 
        mutate(n=n()) %>% 
        group_by_at(vars(.x, n)) %>% 
        summarise(across(is.numeric, list(mean=mean))) %>% 

Now run the function on a few data sets:

fnc(dsn, "sex")
#>   sex       n age_mean
#> 1 All     100     22.0
#> 2 F        51     24.0
#> 3 M        49     20.0

fnc(iris, "Species")
#>   Species     n Sepal.Length_me… Sepal.Width_mean Petal.Length_me…
#> 1 All       150             5.84             3.06             3.76
#> 2 setosa     50             5.01             3.43             1.46
#> 3 versic…    50             5.94             2.77             4.26
#> 4 virgin…    50             6.59             2.97             5.55
#> # … with 1 more variable: Petal.Width_mean <dbl>

fnc(mtcars, "cyl")
#>   cyl       n mpg_mean disp_mean hp_mean drat_mean wt_mean qsec_mean vs_mean
#> 1 All      32     20.1      231.   147.       3.60    3.22      17.8   0.438
#> 2 4        11     26.7      105.    82.6      4.07    2.29      19.1   0.909
#> 3 6         7     19.7      183.   122.       3.59    3.12      18.0   0.571
#> 4 8        14     15.1      353.   209.       3.23    4.00      16.8   0    
#> # … with 3 more variables: am_mean <dbl>, gear_mean <dbl>, carb_mean <dbl>

Here's another version that will summarise by group for each of a vector of grouping variables:

fnc2 = function(data, groups) {
  # Add a dummy "grouping" column for All data
  data = data %>% 
  # Convert grouping column to factor to avoid error when grouping var is numeric
  data = data %>% 
    mutate_at(groups, as.factor)
  c("all", groups) %>% 
      ~data %>% 
        group_by_at(vars(.x)) %>% 
        mutate(n=n()) %>% 
        group_by_at(vars(.x, n)) %>% 
        summarise(across(is.numeric, list(mean=mean))) %>% 
        rename(group=!!.x) %>% 
    ) %>% 
    select(group.var, group, everything())
fnc2(mtcars, c("cyl", "gear"))
#>   group.var group     n mpg_mean disp_mean hp_mean drat_mean wt_mean qsec_mean
#> 1 all       All      32     20.1      231.   147.       3.60    3.22      17.8
#> 2 cyl       4        11     26.7      105.    82.6      4.07    2.29      19.1
#> 3 cyl       6         7     19.7      183.   122.       3.59    3.12      18.0
#> 4 cyl       8        14     15.1      353.   209.       3.23    4.00      16.8
#> 5 gear      3        15     16.1      326.   176.       3.13    3.89      17.7
#> 6 gear      4        12     24.5      123.    89.5      4.04    2.62      19.0
#> 7 gear      5         5     21.4      202.   196.       3.92    2.63      15.6
#> # … with 3 more variables: vs_mean <dbl>, am_mean <dbl>, carb_mean <dbl>

fnc2(diamonds, diamonds %>% select_if(~!is.numeric(.)) %>% names)
#>    group.var group     n carat_mean depth_mean table_mean price_mean x_mean
#>  1 all       All   53940      0.798       61.7       57.5      3933.   5.73
#>  2 cut       Fair   1610      1.05        64.0       59.1      4359.   6.25
#>  3 cut       Good   4906      0.849       62.4       58.7      3929.   5.84
#>  4 cut       Very… 12082      0.806       61.8       58.0      3982.   5.74
#>  5 cut       Prem… 13791      0.892       61.3       58.7      4584.   5.97
#>  6 cut       Ideal 21551      0.703       61.7       56.0      3458.   5.51
#>  7 color     D      6775      0.658       61.7       57.4      3170.   5.42
#>  8 color     E      9797      0.658       61.7       57.5      3077.   5.41
#>  9 color     F      9542      0.737       61.7       57.4      3725.   5.61
#> 10 color     G     11292      0.771       61.8       57.3      3999.   5.68
#> # … with 11 more rows, and 2 more variables: y_mean <dbl>, z_mean <dbl>
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