Give Words Numerical Values

I am trying to give the words that I have in a matrix (90+) a numerical value to use in a further calculation.

I haven't really gotten anywhere with this. I have it written out as a function currently, but I need the words to be automatically detected from an Excel File matrix that I have saved in the project and turned into numerical values, instead of me writing them as inputs.

status <- function(color_input) {
if (color_input == "Red")
{ return(25)}
if (color_input == "Orange")
{ return(50)}
if (color_input == "Yellow")
{ return(70)}
if (color_input == "Green")

I need:

Green = 90
Yellow = 70
Orange = 50
Red = 25

Any help would be great!

There are many ways of doing this, I think using case_when() inside a mutate() statement it is more simple and readable but it also can be done using your function, see this example:

df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                 color = c("Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green"))

df %>% 
    mutate(color = case_when(color == "Red" ~ 25,
                             color == "Orange" ~ 50,
                             color == "Yellow" ~ 70,
                             color == "Green" ~ 90))
#>   color
#> 1    25
#> 2    50
#> 3    70
#> 4    90

# Using your function
status <- function(color_input) {
    if (color_input == "Red") {
    if (color_input == "Orange") {
    if (color_input == "Yellow") {
    if (color_input == "Green") {

df %>%
    rowwise() %>% 
    mutate(color = status(color))
#> Source: local data frame [4 x 1]
#> Groups: <by row>
#> # A tibble: 4 x 1
#>   color
#>   <dbl>
#> 1    25
#> 2    50
#> 3    70
#> 4    90

Created on 2019-06-10 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

@andresrcs If I'm looking at this correctly the reason this doesn't work is because I'm pulling the words "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" and "Green" in from an Excel file matrix (Real_Example_Data).

Is there a way to do this by telling it to use my object to pull the words from?
HealthStatus <- as.matrix(Real_Example_Data[,3])

Another way to do this is with the dplyr recode function. Below is an example, using the built-in iris data frame. If you provide a data sample that looks like your real data, we can provide a tailored version of this approach.

In the first step, we create a named vector with the current and recoded values.


level_key = c(30,60,90) %>% set_names(levels(iris$Species))

    setosa versicolor  virginica 
        30         60         90

Now we use the recode function to apply the transformation:

iris = iris %>% 
  mutate(Species.recode = recode(Species, !!!level_key))

iris %>% group_by(Species, Species.recode) %>% tally
  Species    Species.recode     n
1 setosa                 30    50
2 versicolor             60    50
3 virginica              90    50

Here is a chunk of my data:
HealthStatus <- as.matrix(Real_Example_Data[,3])

[1,] "Yellow"
[2,] "Yellow"
[3,] "Yellow"
[4,] "Yellow"
[5,] "Yellow"
[6,] "Yellow"
[7,] "Yellow"
[8,] "Green"
[9,] "Green"
[10,] "Green"
[11,] "Green"
[12,] "Green"
[13,] "Green"
[14,] "Green"
[15,] "Green"
[16,] "Yellow"

Could you turn this into a minimal REPRoducible EXample (reprex)? A reprex makes it much easier for others to understand your issue and figure out how to help.

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I ended up using the "recode" function.

NewStatus <- recode(Status, "Green" = 90, "Yellow" = 70, "Orange" = 50, "Red" = 25)

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