Group equal variables and summarize them

Hi, I am very new to R studio and I am struggling with the following problem:

I have the following dataset:

Code Value
6300001 0.51
6300001 0.89
6300001 10.05
6300001 10.05
6300001 10.05
6300001 10.25
6300014 0.31
6300014 1.13
6300014 1.64
6300046 901.54
6300046 95.49
6300049 1.34
6300049 10.33

Now, I need to summarize each code with a minimum, maximum and mean 'Value'. How do I link all these same 'Code' values and then summarize them all?

Thanks in advance!

It seems that you are already aware of the group_by() and summarise() functions from the dplyr package. An excellent resource to learn R in general and the tidyverse in particular is R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham. It is online at

Look at section 5.6 Grouped summaries with summarise()

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values <- tibble::tribble(
    ~Code,    ~Value,
    6300001,    0.51,
    6300001,    0.89,
    6300001,   10.05,
    6300001,   10.05,
    6300001,   10.05,
    6300001,   10.25,
    6300014,    0.31,
    6300014,    1.13,
    6300014,    1.64,
    6300046,    901.54,
    6300046,    95.49,
    6300049,    1.34,
    6300049,    10.33

values %>% 
  group_by(Code) %>% 
  summarise(min = min(Value),
            max = max(Value),
            mean = mean(Value))

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