Heatmap Error: "X" must be a numeric matrix

I'm trying to create a heatmap with dendrograms and I keep getting this error: Error in heatmap: "x" must be a numeric matrix. My data table is comparing the deltact for each specific gene (columns) amongst each subjectID that's on the lefthand side.

Here is my csv data table:

01-0071 10.6
01-0081 2.4 8.57
01-0129 0
01-0169 7.05 4.63
01-0277 5.23 10.8 2.41 3.57 0
01-0281 6.8 3.12 3.38 5.96 7.02
01-0288 0
01-0476 5.17
02-0017 5.13 8.41
02-0023 6.2
02-0056 5.13
02-0069 0
02-0072 3.92
02-0100 2.47
02-0139 0
02-0170 6.98
03-0068 0
03-0076 4.53 6.24
03-0080 6.2 6.26
03-0083 4.71 4.27
03-0091 8.27 4.38 4.11 6.71
03-0116 5.63
03-0131 8.95
03-0150 2.69 9.74
03-0150 0
03-0162 4.12 2.75 4.04 5.85 6.18
03-0221 0
03-0287 6.38 0 0
03-0297 0
03-0355 3.61 7.29
03-0386 11.2
03-0390 4.91 4.91
03-0399 0
04-0027 3.3 6.39
04-0029 4.72
04-0052 9.7
04-0060 5.19
04-0060 0
04-0061 7.47
04-0062 6.98
05-0008 4.76
05-0010 3.47 7.66
05-0013 2.59 5.9
05-0015 5.92 3.5
05-0017 4.51
05-0018 2.39 6.13 4.63
05-0033 5.59
05-0038 3.45 7.15
05-0046 6.75 11.1 2.5 6.32
05-0078 2.91
05-0094 8.32 0
06-0071 4.6 10.7 3.17 0
06-0073 6.07
06-0080 5.36 3.99
06-0094 2.17
06-0119 2.31 3.38 5.91
07-0001 6.34
07-0037 2.85
08-0035 6.75 3.06 7.6
08-0202 4.92 9.3 3.62 4.67 5.93 4.37 5.86 0
08-0215 7.08
08-0217 5.94 2.99
08-0274 3.74
08-0278 6.57 10.2 3.94 6.68 6.44
09-0088 10.7
09-0155 3.39 6.97
09-0177 0
09-0179 0
09-0201 3.35 7.57
09-0246 0
09-0249 0
09-0255 4.75 8.69
10-0036 5.65 7.6
10-0040 7.52 4.63
11-0063 3.69 7.34
12-0047 3.21
13-0009 6.15
13-0038 0
13-0047 0

It would help if you provided the code you're using. Trying out something:

# Read in the data I copy-pasted from your post
tab <- read.csv("table.csv")

#> [1] "data.frame"
# take a look at first few rows
#>         X COX2 S100A7 LMNB1 CCL5 CXCL10 OXTR  FLG KLK6 HMOX1 S100A2
#> 1 01-0071   NA   10.6    NA   NA     NA   NA   NA   NA    NA     NA
#> 2 01-0081   NA     NA  2.40   NA     NA   NA   NA   NA  8.57     NA
#> 3 01-0129   NA     NA    NA   NA     NA   NA   NA   NA    NA      0
#> 4 01-0169   NA     NA    NA   NA     NA   NA 7.05   NA  4.63     NA
#> 5 01-0277 5.23   10.8  2.41 3.57     NA   NA   NA   NA    NA      0
#> 6 01-0281 6.80     NA  3.12 3.38     NA 5.96 7.02   NA    NA     NA

# Convert to matrix (make sure to keep the first column as rownames)
mat <- as.matrix(tab[,-1])
rownames(mat) <- tab[,1]

# look at top-left corner
#>         COX2 S100A7 LMNB1
#> 01-0071   NA   10.6    NA
#> 01-0081   NA     NA   2.4
#> 01-0129   NA     NA    NA

#> [1] "matrix" "array"
#> [1] "double"

# try plotting it without dendrogram

# this doesn't work because of the many NA
#> Error in hclustfun(distfun(x)): NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 10)
#> Error in hclust(d, method = method): NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 10)

mat[is.na(mat)] <- 0
# take a look
#>         COX2 S100A7 LMNB1
#> 01-0071    0   10.6   0.0
#> 01-0081    0    0.0   2.4
#> 01-0129    0    0.0   0.0

# Now we can plot it!


Created on 2022-09-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Here I set all the NA to 0 to make distance computation and clustering possible, in your particular case you have to see if it's the right thing to do.

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