Help understanding why black bars exist in my R plot

Hi all, I'm having problems with both getting rid of the black bars and why I can't have a y and x axis going to 10. Any help would be appreciated.

reg.4 <- lm(euftf ~ imbgeco + trstep + keydec + stfeco, data =
eff.reg.4 <- effect(term = "imbgeco", mod = reg.4)
plot(eff.reg.4, xlab = "Perception of how good immigrants are for the economy",
ylab = "Perception of EU integration",
xlim = 10,
ylim = 10) #The xlim and ylim arguments are not working currently.

it is documented in ?plot.effects that there is a default rug=TRUE param that

display a rug plot showing the marginal distribution of a numeric predictor;

so do

plot(eff.reg.4, xlab = "Perception of how good immigrants are for the economy",
ylab = "Perception of EU integration",
xlim = 10,
ylim = 10,
rug  = FALSE)

to turn that off

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