historical usage of CPU and RAM on the rstudio server and connect based on individual user

Is there any was to check the historical usage of CPU and RAM on the rstudio server and connect based on individual user ?

There is an admin dashboard with per-user metrics on RStudio Server Pro. See here for more details: Redirect

In RStudio Connect, you can access the metrics tab on the left-hand side of the screen. The metrics in this tab are by the content that's deployed.

Hope that's helpful!


Thanks for the response.
Let us suppose the CPU or RAM was under high utilization about an hour back is there a way or report to know who or what was using the resources at that particular moment under admin dash board (both rstudio and connect)


Hi @rishap,

This currently is not possible, but it's a great use case and I'll record as product feedback.

Thank you,

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