How can we data wrangling to obtain shown ratio/proportion chart shown

Goal is to produce a visualization indicating ratio.
Please help us how can we produce such ratio chart (high lighted) in R ?


# Dataset creation
df <- data.frame(cls = c(rep("A",4),rep("B",4)),
                 grd = c("A1",rep("A2",3),rep(c("B1","B2"), 2)),
                 typ = c(rep("m",2),rep("o",2),"m","n",rep("p",2)),
                 pnts = c(rep(1:4,2)))


#### Data wrangling
df1 <- df %>% 
  group_by(cls) %>%
  summarise(cls_pct = sum(pnts))

df2 <- df %>%
  group_by(cls,grd) %>%
  summarize(grd_pct = sum(pnts))

df3 <- df %>%
  group_by(cls,grd,typ) %>%
  summarise(typ_pct = sum(pnts))

#### Attempt to combine all df1,df2,df3
# but mutate and summarise are mixing up leading to wrong results
df3 %>% 
  group_by(cls,grd) %>%
  mutate(grd_pct = sum(typ_pct)) %>%
  group_by(cls) %>%
  mutate(cls_pct = sum(grd_pct))
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Is this what you're trying to do:


df %>%
  group_by(cls,grd,typ) %>%
  summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
  mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts)) %>% 
  bind_rows(df %>% 
              group_by(cls, grd) %>% 
              summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
              mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts),
                     typ = "All")) %>% 
  bind_rows(df %>% 
              group_by(cls) %>% 
              summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
              mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts),
                     grd = "All", 
                     typ = "All"))
   cls   grd   typ    pnts   pct
   <fct> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl>
 1 A     A1    m         1 1    
 2 A     A2    m         2 0.222
 3 A     A2    o         7 0.778
 4 B     B1    m         1 0.25 
 5 B     B1    p         3 0.75 
 6 B     B2    n         2 0.333
 7 B     B2    p         4 0.667
 8 A     A1    All       1 0.1  
 9 A     A2    All       9 0.9  
10 B     B1    All       4 0.4  
11 B     B2    All       6 0.6  
12 A     All   All      10 0.5  
13 B     All   All      10 0.5 

This can be shortened to the following:

groups = c("cls","grd","typ")

       ~ df %>% 
           group_by_at(groups[1:.x]) %>% 
           summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
           mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts))) %>% 
  map_if(~!is.numeric(.), fct_explicit_na, "All") %>% 

And generalized with tidy evaluation:

my_summary = function(data, value.var, ...) {
  groups = enquos(...)
         ~ data %>% 
             group_by_at(groups[1:.x]) %>% 
             summarise({{value.var}} := sum({{value.var}})) %>% 
             mutate(pct = {{value.var}}/sum({{value.var}}))) %>% 
    map_if(~!is.numeric(.), fct_explicit_na, "All") %>% 

my_summary(df, pnts, cls, grd, typ)

my_summary(diamonds, price, cut, color)
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Thanks for so many solutions.

Can we use ggplot2 or sunburst or something to somehow show the proportion of 3 categories in 1 graph (e.g. bar-like chart) ? differentiating with colors or fill ? also, excluding "All" categories if possible.

please dont suggest facets as my real data has many variable

data <- df %>%
  group_by(cls,grd,typ) %>%
  summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
  mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts)) %>% 
  bind_rows(df %>% 
              group_by(cls, grd) %>% 
              summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
              mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts),
                     typ = "All")) %>% 
  bind_rows(df %>% 
              group_by(cls) %>% 
              summarise(pnts = sum(pnts)) %>% 
              mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts),
                     grd = "All", 
                     typ = "All"))
#### Attempt to visualize all the ratios in 1 chart

data %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -c(cls:pnts),
               names_to = "per_cat",
               values_to = "percent") %>%
  ggplot(aes(cls,percent, col = typ, fill = grd)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +

How about this:


groups = c("cls","grd","typ")

1:length(groups) %>% 
  map_df(~ df %>% 
             group_by_at(groups[1:.x]) %>% 
             summarise(pnts = sum(pnts),
                       groups=unique(groups[.x])) %>% 
             ungroup %>% 
             mutate(pct = pnts/sum(pnts))
  ) %>% 
  mutate(subgroup = gsub("-NA", "", paste(!!!syms(groups), sep="-")),
         groups = fct_rev(groups)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=groups, y=pct, fill=subgroup)) + 
    geom_col(colour="white", width=0.98, show.legend=FALSE) + 
    geom_text(aes(label=paste0(gsub(".*-(.*)", "\\1", subgroup), 
                               sprintf("%1.1f", pct*100), "%")), 
              position=position_stack(vjust=0.5), colour="white", size=4) + 
    scale_fill_manual(values=rep("grey40", 13)) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0), labels=scales::percent) + 
    theme_classic(base_size=15) + 
    theme(plot.margin=margin(r=15)) + 
    coord_flip() +
    labs(x="Grouping Columns", y="")

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Thanks a ton @joels, this is amazing.

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