How I can calculate the distance between two points based on their longitudes and latitudes?

I have a dataset as following :

         id      x.from   y.from
 1   573346934   340391   510136  340361  510250
 2   573347081   342842   508754  342797  508778
 3   573347082   342646   508813  342797  508778
...     ...        ...      ...     ...     ...

'x.from' and '' here are longitude, and 'y.from' and '' are latitude.

Thus, there is an 'origin point'(from) and 'destination point'(to) in each 'id'. I want to calculate the distance between two points of each ids.

I have major radius of the ellipsoid = 6378137, and flattening = 1/298.257222101.

All the examples using geospatial related functions give output as matrix, but what I have to get is not in that kind of form. I need a column that matches the values of each id's distance with the ids.

I would be very appreciate if you tell me how to solve this problem...

Note that we have two points on a sphere, not on a plane, so we are finding the distance along a great circle.

We need to convert latitude and longitude values from decimal degrees to radians by dividing by 180/pi, or 57.29577951.

We need the radius of the earth, which is 3963.0 miles (or 6378.8 km).
If point A is (long1, lat1) in decimals and point B is (long2, lat2) in decimals, then

d <- 3963.0 * acos((sin(lat1/57.29577951)*sin(lat2/57.29577951)) +
cos(lat1/57.29577951)*cos(lat2/57.29577951)*cos(long2/57.29577951 - long1/57.29577951))

long1= 2.3522

d = 793.4522

See # Program for distance between two points on earth - GeeksforGeeks

Thank you! And I have a question. Since the outcome was abnormal compare to my expectation. On the while I found that my data is based on Transverse Mercator coordinates system.
Does this matter to my value?

Hi. I googled Transverse Mercator coordinates. It looks like this system assumes the earth is an ellipsoid, not a sphere.

You can convert Transverse Mercator ellipsoid coordinates to the more common spherical coordinates ( Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system - Wikipedia ) . but this looks awfully messy. Or, you can search for a formula to find the distance between two points on an ellipsoid.

By the way, if you use 6378.8 km as the first term instead of 3963.0 miles , then the result is in km.

If your coordinates are Transverse Mercator, then they are not lat longs, they are X-Y coordinates on a projected map. For small distances (less than a few hundred km ), just treating the coordinates as regular X-Y's should be reasonably accurate. I would recommend reading the Wikipedia page Map projection - Wikipedia to better understand the issues. To do geodetics correctly is not easy, there are many pitfalls.
BTW - UTM are not spherical coordinates, they are projections from some ellipsoidal model of the earth's surface (there are many) to a cylinder. I'm afraid the other answers you were given are far too simplistic. The earth is not a sphere.

Really thank for your kind answer

Thank you. I will do further!

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