How R performs Calculations for Ratio of Means Effects meta-analysis for metacont package

Dear All,

I am trying to find out how R meta packages has been calculating ratio of means from the Metacont package. It will be helpful to know what formula R is using. If anyone knows your help will be very much appreciated.


Are you referencing the metacont() function from, the package meta?
Having trouble finding an R package "metacont" via Google...

Thanks Nate for your response

I wanted to find out the exact mathematical formula it uses. We are trying to see whether it is standardised using the Control rather than Mean(intervention)/Mean Control. The documentation is still not clear about the mathematics that was used in R.


If I understand and you want to look at the source code of metacont() you can get there two ways from an R console:

  1. getAnywhere(metacont) this is a useful strategy for getting to any function's source code (eg even if it is a hidden function that you could not call directly)
  2. meta::metacont you would use three colons ::: if the function was hidden (not-exported)
> getAnywhere(metacont)
A single object matching ‘metacont’ was found
It was found in the following places
with value

function (n.e, mean.e, sd.e, n.c, mean.c, sd.c, studlab, data = NULL, 
    subset = NULL, exclude = NULL, sm = gs("smcont"), pooledvar = gs("pooledvar"), 
    method.smd = gs("method.smd"), = gs(""), 
    exact.smd = gs("exact.smd"), level = gs("level"), level.comb = gs("level.comb"), 
    comb.fixed = gs("comb.fixed"), comb.random = gs("comb.random"), 
    overall = comb.fixed | comb.random, overall.hetstat = comb.fixed | 
        comb.random, hakn = gs("hakn"), method.tau = gs("method.tau"), = if (method.tau == "DL") "J" else "QP", tau.preset = NULL, 
    TE.tau = NULL, tau.common = gs("tau.common"), prediction = gs("prediction"), 
    level.predict = gs("level.predict"), method.bias = gs("method.bias"), 
    backtransf = gs("backtransf"), title = gs("title"), complab = gs("complab"), 
    outclab = "", label.e = gs("label.e"), label.c = gs("label.c"), 
    label.left = gs("label.left"), label.right = gs("label.right"), 
    byvar, bylab, print.byvar = gs("print.byvar"), byseparator = gs("byseparator"), 
    keepdata = gs("keepdata"), warn = gs("warn"), control = NULL) 
    method.tau <- setchar(method.tau, .settings$meth4tau) <- setchar(, .settings$
    method.bias <- setchar(method.bias, c("rank", "linreg", "mm", 
        "count", "score", "peters"))
    fun <- "metacont"
    sm <- setchar(sm, .settings$sm4cont)
    method.smd <- setchar(method.smd, c("Hedges", "Cohen", "Glass")) <- setchar(, c("control", "experimental"))
    nulldata <- is.null(data)
    if (nulldata) 
        data <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
    mf <-
    n.e <- eval(mf[[match("n.e", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    k.All <- length(n.e)
    mean.e <- eval(mf[[match("mean.e", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    sd.e <- eval(mf[[match("sd.e", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    n.c <- eval(mf[[match("n.c", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    mean.c <- eval(mf[[match("mean.c", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    sd.c <- eval(mf[[match("sd.c", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    studlab <- eval(mf[[match("studlab", names(mf))]], data, 
        enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    studlab <- setstudlab(studlab, k.All)
    byvar <- eval(mf[[match("byvar", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    by <- !is.null(byvar)
    subset <- eval(mf[[match("subset", names(mf))]], data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    missing.subset <- is.null(subset)
    exclude <- eval(mf[[match("exclude", names(mf))]], data, 
        enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    missing.exclude <- is.null(exclude)
    chklength(mean.e, k.All, fun)
    chklength(sd.e, k.All, fun)
    chklength(n.c, k.All, fun)
    chklength(mean.c, k.All, fun)
    chklength(sd.c, k.All, fun)
    chklength(studlab, k.All, fun)
    if (by) 
        chklength(byvar, k.All, fun)
    if (!by & tau.common) {
        warning("Value for argument 'tau.common' set to FALSE as argument 'byvar' is missing.")
        tau.common <- FALSE
    if (by & !tau.common & !is.null(tau.preset)) {
        warning("Argument 'tau.common' set to TRUE as argument tau.preset is not NULL.")
        tau.common <- TRUE
    if (!missing.subset) 
        if ((is.logical(subset) & (sum(subset) > k.All)) || (length(subset) > 
            stop("Length of subset is larger than number of studies.")
    if (!missing.exclude) {
        if ((is.logical(exclude) & (sum(exclude) > k.All)) || 
            (length(exclude) > k.All)) 
            stop("Length of argument 'exclude' is larger than number of studies.")
        exclude2 <- rep(FALSE, k.All)
        exclude2[exclude] <- TRUE
        exclude <- exclude2
    else exclude <- rep(FALSE, k.All)
    if (by) {
        chkmiss(byvar) <- byvarname(mf[[match("byvar", names(mf))]])
        bylab <- if (!missing(bylab) && !is.null(bylab)) 
    if (keepdata) {
        if (nulldata) 
            data <- data.frame(.n.e = n.e)
        else data$.n.e <- n.e
        data$.mean.e <- mean.e
        data$.sd.e <- sd.e
        data$.n.c <- n.c
        data$.mean.c <- mean.c
        data$.sd.c <- sd.c
        data$.studlab <- studlab
        if (by) 
            data$.byvar <- byvar
        if (!missing.subset) {
            if (length(subset) == dim(data)[1]) 
                data$.subset <- subset
            else {
                data$.subset <- FALSE
                data$.subset[subset] <- TRUE
        if (!missing.exclude) 
            data$.exclude <- exclude
    if (!missing.subset) {
        n.e <- n.e[subset]
        mean.e <- mean.e[subset]
        sd.e <- sd.e[subset]
        n.c <- n.c[subset]
        mean.c <- mean.c[subset]
        sd.c <- sd.c[subset]
        studlab <- studlab[subset]
        exclude <- exclude[subset]
        if (by) 
            byvar <- byvar[subset]
    k.all <- length(n.e)
    if (k.all == 0) 
        stop("No studies to combine in meta-analysis.")
    if (k.all == 1) {
        comb.fixed <- FALSE
        comb.random <- FALSE
        prediction <- FALSE
        overall <- FALSE
        overall.hetstat <- FALSE
    n.e <- int2num(n.e)
    mean.e <- int2num(mean.e)
    sd.e <- int2num(sd.e)
    n.c <- int2num(n.c)
    mean.c <- int2num(mean.c)
    sd.c <- int2num(sd.c)
    npn.n <- npn(n.e) | npn(n.c)
    N <- n.e + n.c
    if (sm == "MD" | sm == "ROM") 
        var.pooled <- ((n.e - 1) * sd.e^2 + (n.c - 1) * sd.c^2)/(N - 
    if (any(npn.n) & warn) 
        warning("Note, studies with non-positive values for n.e and / or n.c get no weight in meta-analysis.")
    if (sm == "MD") {
        TE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, mean.e - mean.c)
        if (pooledvar) 
            seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(var.pooled * (1/n.e + 
        else seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(sd.e^2/n.e + sd.c^2/n.c))
        seTE[] <- NA
    else if (sm == "SMD") {
        J <- function(x) gamma(x/2)/(sqrt(x/2) * gamma((x - 1)/2))
        K <- function(x) 1 - (x - 2)/(x * J(x)^2)
        if (method.smd %in% c("Hedges", "Cohen")) 
            S.within <- sqrt(((n.e - 1) * sd.e^2 + (n.c - 1) * 
                sd.c^2)/(N - 2))
        else S.within <- if ( == "control") 
        else sd.e
        smd <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, (mean.e - mean.c)/S.within)
        if (method.smd == "Cohen") {
            TE <- smd
            if (exact.smd) {
                J <- function(x) gamma(x/2)/(sqrt(x/2) * gamma((x - 
                K <- function(x) 1 - (x - 2)/(x * J(x)^2)
                seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(N/(n.e * n.c) + 
                  (J(N - 2) * smd)^2 * K(N - 2)))
            else seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(N/(n.e * n.c) + 
                TE^2/(2 * N)))
        else if (method.smd == "Hedges") {
            if (exact.smd) {
                J <- function(x) gamma(x/2)/(sqrt(x/2) * gamma((x - 
                K <- function(x) 1 - (x - 2)/(x * J(x)^2)
            else {
                J <- function(x) 1 - 3/(4 * x - 1)
                K <- function(x) 1/(2 * (x - 1.94))
            TE <- J(N - 2) * smd
            seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(N/(n.e * n.c) + TE^2 * 
                K(N - 2)))
        else if (method.smd == "Glass") {
            n.g <- if ( == "control") 
            else n.e
            TE <- smd
            seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(N/(n.e * n.c) + TE^2/(2 * 
                n.g - 1)))
        seTE[] <- NA
    else if (sm == "ROM") {
        npn.mean <- npn(mean.e) | npn(mean.c)
        if (any(npn.mean) & warn) 
            warning("Note, studies with negative or zero means get no weight in meta-analysis.")
        TE <- ifelse(npn.n | npn.mean, NA, log(mean.e/mean.c))
        if (pooledvar) 
            seTE <- ifelse(npn.n, NA, sqrt(var.pooled * (1/(n.e * 
                mean.e^2) + 1/(n.c * mean.c^2))))
        else seTE <- ifelse(npn.n | npn.mean, NA, sqrt(sd.e^2/(n.e * 
            mean.e^2) + sd.c^2/(n.c * mean.c^2)))
        seTE[] <- NA
    sel <- sd.e <= 0 | sd.c <= 0
    if (any(sel, na.rm = TRUE) & warn) 
        warning("Note, studies with non-positive values for sd.e or sd.c get no weight in meta-analysis.")
    seTE[sel] <- NA
    if (sm == "SMD") 
        TE[sel] <- NA
    m <- metagen(TE, seTE, studlab, exclude = if (missing.exclude) 
    else exclude, sm = sm, level = level, level.comb = level.comb, 
        comb.fixed = comb.fixed, comb.random = comb.random, overall = overall, 
        overall.hetstat = overall.hetstat, hakn = hakn, method.tau = method.tau, =, tau.preset = tau.preset, 
        TE.tau = TE.tau, tau.common = FALSE, prediction = prediction, 
        level.predict = level.predict, method.bias = method.bias, 
        backtransf = backtransf, title = title, complab = complab, 
        outclab = outclab, label.e = label.e, label.c = label.c, 
        label.left = label.left, label.right = label.right, keepdata = FALSE, 
        warn = warn, control = control)
    if (by & tau.common) {
        hcc <- hetcalc(TE, seTE, method.tau, "", TE.tau, level.comb, 
            byvar, control)
    res <- list(n.e = n.e, mean.e = mean.e, sd.e = sd.e, n.c = n.c, 
        mean.c = mean.c, sd.c = sd.c, pooledvar = pooledvar, 
        method.smd = method.smd, =, exact.smd = exact.smd)
    m$n.e <- NULL
    m$n.c <- NULL
    res <- c(res, m)
    res$call <-
    if (keepdata) {
        res$data <- data
        if (!missing.subset) 
            res$subset <- subset
    class(res) <- c(fun, "meta")
    if (by) {
        res$byvar <- byvar
        res$bylab <- bylab
        res$print.byvar <- print.byvar
        res$byseparator <- byseparator
        res$tau.common <- tau.common
        if (!tau.common) {
            res <- c(res, subgroup(res))
            res$tau2.resid <- res$lower.tau2.resid <- res$upper.tau2.resid <- NA
            res$tau.resid <- res$lower.tau.resid <- res$upper.tau.resid <- NA
        else if (!is.null(tau.preset)) {
            res <- c(res, subgroup(res, tau.preset))
            res$tau2.resid <- res$lower.tau2.resid <- res$upper.tau2.resid <- NA
            res$tau.resid <- res$lower.tau.resid <- res$upper.tau.resid <- NA
        else {
            res <- c(res, subgroup(res, hcc$tau))
            res$Q.w.random <- hcc$Q
            res$df.Q.w.random <- hcc$df.Q
            res$tau2.resid <- hcc$tau2
            res$lower.tau2.resid <- hcc$lower.tau2
            res$upper.tau2.resid <- hcc$upper.tau2
            res$tau.resid <- hcc$tau
            res$lower.tau.resid <- hcc$lower.tau
            res$upper.tau.resid <- hcc$upper.tau
            res$sign.lower.tau.resid <- hcc$sign.lower.tau
            res$sign.upper.tau.resid <- hcc$sign.upper.tau
        if (!tau.common || method.tau == "DL") {
            ci.H.resid <- calcH(res$Q.w.fixed, res$df.Q.w, level.comb)
            res$H.resid <- ci.H.resid$TE
            res$lower.H.resid <- ci.H.resid$lower
            res$upper.H.resid <- ci.H.resid$upper
        else {
            res$H.resid <- hcc$H.resid
            res$lower.H.resid <- hcc$lower.H.resid
            res$upper.H.resid <- hcc$upper.H.resid
        if (!tau.common || method.tau == "DL") {
            ci.I2.resid <- isquared(res$Q.w.fixed, res$df.Q.w, 
            res$I2.resid <- ci.I2.resid$TE
            res$lower.I2.resid <- ci.I2.resid$lower
            res$upper.I2.resid <- ci.I2.resid$upper
        else {
            res$I2.resid <- hcc$I2.resid
            res$lower.I2.resid <- hcc$lower.I2.resid
            res$upper.I2.resid <- hcc$upper.I2.resid
        res$event.e.w <- NULL
        res$event.c.w <- NULL
        res$event.w <- NULL
        res$n.w <- NULL
        res$time.e.w <- NULL
        res$time.c.w <- NULL
    class(res) <- c(fun, "meta")
<bytecode: 0x7feff144e3d0>
<environment: namespace:meta>

Thank you again Nate

Is there a way to Amend the internal metacont functions and code, so that i can incorporate the standardisation I need?


I think there are three reasonable options forward, ranked by my preference.

  1. See if you can build a new variable scaled = FALSE (for the default to keep with current behavior) into metaconf() that does what you want. If that succeeds I would open an issue/pull-request on the repository to see if the maintainer wants to add your scaling functionality. (I bet you aren't the only person that would benefit from scaling)
  2. Build a function to be used right before calling metaconf() that handles the variable scaling for you, similar to ?scale()
  3. Build a new function by copying the code of the metacont() into a new one metacont_scaled() and then in the new one you make the scaled changes. This is very similar to #1 and it would be your function so you'd be the one making updates to it as the main metaconf() changes.

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