How to Add a Navbar Menu Title Containing Single Quote

I am having difficulty with a menu title in my flexdashboard navbar. I would like for my menu title to include a single quote. However when I attempt to include a single quote within the double quotes for the navbar menu title, the menu is not created.

I've included my code below with YAML. In this code, the menu does not appear in the dashboard. However, it will appear if I remove the single apostrophe in Joneses'. How can I make it so that the menu title includes the single apostrophe? Thank you.

title: "Sample Dashboard"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill

Bedroom {data-navmenu="The Joneses' House"}

Update: I've tried escaping the single quote with the following code: Bedroom {data-navmenu="The Joneses\' House"}. This also does not work. Any ideas on what I need to do differently? Thanks.

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