How to add rows and columns totals and percentages to contingency table


I have got this data:

mx = matrix(c(10, 40, 90, 160), nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE)


datx = data.frame(mx)

dimnames(datx) = list(disease = c("YES", "NO"), sex = c("Female", "Male"))

I would like to add rows and columns with totals and percentages.
How do I do it to get a table like in the form of SPSS:


Hi, check this link.

If you put a good example of data is better for help you all the community.

There is really nothing relevant on that website.

Hi Here is the solution using kbl function in kableExtra package

# Loading Libraries

# function for percentage with decimals
fnpercent <- function(x, digits = 2, format = "f", ...) {      # Create user-defined function
  paste0(formatC(x * 100, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")

# Building temporary dataframe called  df

  Category     <- c("Disease",NA,NA,NA,"Disease",NA,NA,NA,"Total",NA,NA,NA)
  Subcategory  <- c("No",NA,NA,NA,"Yes",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA)
  Group        <- c("Count","% within Disease","% within Sex","% of Total",
                    "Count","% within Disease","% within Sex","% of Total",
                    "Count","% within Disease","% within Sex","% of Total")

  df           <- data.frame(Category,Subcategory,Group)
  df['Female'] <- as.character()
  df['Male']   <- as.character()
  df['Total']  <- as.character()
  # function to update df
  fncreaterrtable <- function(mFeDiNo,mMaDiNo,mFeDiYs,mMaDiYs){
    mTotline16    <- (mFeDiNo + mMaDiNo)
    mTotline66    <- (mFeDiYs + mMaDiYs)
    mTotline114   <- (mFeDiNo + mFeDiYs )
    mTotline115   <- (mMaDiNo + mMaDiYs)
    mTotline116   <- (mTotline114 + mTotline115)
    df[1,4]      <<- mFeDiNo
    df[1,5]      <<- mMaDiNo
    df[1,6]      <<- mTotline16
    df[5,4]      <<- mFeDiYs
    df[5,5]      <<- mMaDiYs
    df[5,6]      <<- mTotline66
    df[9,4]      <<- mTotline114
    df[9,5]      <<- mTotline115
    df[9,6]      <<- mTotline116
    # % of Disease
    df[2,4]      <<- fnpercent(mFeDiNo/mTotline16,2)
    df[2,5]      <<- fnpercent(mMaDiNo/mTotline16,2)
    df[2,6]      <<- fnpercent(mTotline16/mTotline16,2)
    df[6,4]      <<- fnpercent(mFeDiYs/mTotline66,2)
    df[6,5]      <<- fnpercent(mMaDiYs/mTotline66,2)
    df[6,6]      <<- fnpercent(mTotline66/mTotline66,2)
    df[10,4]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline114/mTotline116,2)
    df[10,5]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline115/mTotline116,2)
    df[10,6]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline116/mTotline116,2)
    # % of Sex
    df[3,4]      <<- fnpercent(mFeDiNo/mTotline114,2)
    df[3,5]      <<- fnpercent(mMaDiNo/mTotline115,2)
    df[3,6]      <<- fnpercent(mTotline16/mTotline116,2)
    df[7,4]      <<- fnpercent(mFeDiYs/mTotline114,2)
    df[7,5]      <<- fnpercent(mMaDiYs/mTotline115,2)
    df[7,6]      <<- fnpercent(mTotline66/mTotline116,2)
    df[11,4]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline114/mTotline116,2)
    df[11,5]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline115/mTotline116,2)
    df[11,6]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline116/mTotline116,2)
    # % of Total
    df[4,4]      <<- fnpercent(mFeDiNo/mTotline116,2)
    df[4,5]      <<- fnpercent(mMaDiNo/mTotline116,2)
    df[4,6]      <<- fnpercent(mTotline16/mTotline116,2)
    df[8,4]      <<- fnpercent(mFeDiYs/mTotline116,2)
    df[8,5]      <<- fnpercent(mMaDiYs/mTotline116,2)
    df[8,6]      <<- fnpercent(mTotline66/mTotline116,2)
    df[12,4]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline114/mTotline116,2)
    df[12,5]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline115/mTotline116,2)
    df[12,6]     <<- fnpercent(mTotline116/mTotline116,2)
    df <<- sapply(df, as.character)    # Convert all columns to character
    df[] <<- ""              # Replace NA with blank
  # function to generate kbl table
  fngeneratekbltbl <- function(){
    df %>% 
      kbl(align = "lllccc",caption =paste('<h4><STRONG><CENTER>','Disease * Sex Crosstabulation', '</CENTER></STRONG><h6>'),
          escape=T, col.names = c("", "", "", "Female", "Male", "Total")) %>%
      kable_paper(c("striped"),full_width = F) %>%
      column_spec(1, bold = T, background = "#91D1C233",border_left = T) %>%
      column_spec(1,width = "6em", border_right = T) %>%
      column_spec(2,width = "4em", border_right = T) %>% 
      column_spec(3,width = "8em", border_right = T) %>% 
      column_spec(c(4,5,6), width = "4em") %>% 
      column_spec(c(4,5,6), italic = T,border_right = T,width = "5em") %>% 
      row_spec(0, bold = T, font_size = 13, extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      row_spec(c(4,8), extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      add_header_above(c(" " = 3, "Sex" = 2, " " = 1),
                       bold = T,extra_css ="border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 

  # finally call function for contingency table

1 Like

Thank you very much indeed for solution @ganapap1 and your tedious and hard work and taking the time to help me. This is fantastic and I really appreciate it.

One question, is this table easily extendable to 2x3 or 3x3 contingency table ?

Hi Andrzej, I am happy that you find it helpful. Yes, it is extendable to any combination of contingency tables as the kbl function work with a dataframe. you only have to suitably modify code by adding additional columns and rows and modify column numbers in kbl function.

let me check whether we can automate the entire process of column naming and row naming. so that you need not hard code them like 'Disease' or 'Sex'

Please do, as I extensively work with SPSS it would be very helpful, thank you again.

Hi Andrzej, finally done, fully automated for 2x2, 2x3, 3x2, and 3x3 contingency tables

Please note column and row headers having dark green backgrounds are all fully editable, it will reflect immediately on the Table. lengthier heading will be wrapped automatically. Fully automated, it has come very well , hope works for you as well

# Loading Libraries

# function for percentage with decimals
fnpercent <- function(x, digits = 2, format = "f", ...) {      # Create user-defined function
  paste0(formatC(x * 100, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")

# Dashboard UI
ui <- fluidPage(
  # Coloring textInput box    #where you got:
   #mRow0name, #mRow1name, #mRow2name, #mRow3name, #mRow4name,#mcol1name,#mcol2name,
     color:white; font-size:14px;
     font-family: Calibri;
     font-weight: normal;
     background-color: #2f4f4f !important; 
     border: 2px double black;border-style:solid;
     height: 32px;
     border: none;
    width = 12,
    div(style = "margin-top:20px"),
    HTML(paste('<h3><b>','Contingency Table Automated','</b><h5>')),
    column(style = "border: 2px double red;height: 500px;overflow-y: auto;",
           width = 5,
           align = 'center',
           div(style = "margin-top:20px"),
             inputId = "mTableTypeChk",
             label = 'Select Table Type',
             choices = c('2x2','2x3','3x2','3x3'),
             selected = '2x2',
             width = '150px',
             multiple = F
      textInput(inputId = 'mgrptitle',label = "Group Header eg 'Gender'",value = 'Gender'),
      HTML('Data for Contingency Table'),
      splitLayout(cellWidths = c('25%','18%','18%','18%','20%'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mRow0name',label = NULL,value = 'Table'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mcol1name',label = NULL,value = 'Column1'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mcol2name',label = NULL,value = 'Column2'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mcol3name',label = NULL,value = 'Column3'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mcol4name',label = NULL,value = 'Total')
      div(style = "margin-top:-15px"),
      splitLayout(cellWidths = c('25%','18%','18%','18%','20%'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mRow1name',label = NULL,value = 'Row1'),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC11",label = NULL,value = 90,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC12",label = NULL,value = 160,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC13",label = NULL,value = 90,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC14",label = NULL,value = 90,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0)
      div(style = "margin-top:-15px"),
      splitLayout(cellWidths = c('25%','18%','18%','18%','20%'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mRow2name',label = NULL,value = 'Row2'),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC21",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC22",label = NULL,value = 40,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC23",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC24",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0)
      div(style = "margin-top:-15px"),
      splitLayout(cellWidths = c('25%','18%','18%','18%','20%'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mRow3name',label = NULL,value = 'Row3'),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC31",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC32",label = NULL,value = 40,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC33",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC34",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0)
      div(style = "margin-top:-15px"),
      splitLayout(cellWidths = c('25%','18%','18%','18%','20%'),
                  textInput(inputId = 'mRow4name',label = NULL,value = 'Total'),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC41",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC42",label = NULL,value = 40,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC43",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0),
                  shinyWidgets::autonumericInput(inputId = "mValC44",label = NULL,value = 10,digitGroupSeparator = ",", decimalPlaces = 0)
    column(style = "border: 2px double red;height: 500px;overflow-y: auto;",
           width = 7,
           align = 'center',
  ) #fluidrow closure

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # finally call function for contingency table
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC13',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC23',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC33',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC31',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC32',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC33',value = 0)
          }else if(input$mTableTypeChk=='2x3'){
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC31',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC32',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC33',value = 0)
          }else if(input$mTableTypeChk=='3x2'){
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC13',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC23',value = 0)
            shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC33',value = 0)
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC14',value = (input$mValC11+input$mValC12+input$mValC13))
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC24',value = (input$mValC21+input$mValC22+input$mValC23))
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC34',value = (input$mValC31+input$mValC32+input$mValC33))
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC41',value = (input$mValC11+input$mValC21+input$mValC31))
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC42',value = (input$mValC12+input$mValC22+input$mValC32))
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC43',value = (input$mValC13+input$mValC23+input$mValC33))
        shinyWidgets::updateAutonumericInput(session,inputId = 'mValC44',value = (input$mValC11+input$mValC21+input$mValC31+input$mValC12+input$mValC22+input$mValC32+input$mValC13+input$mValC23+input$mValC33))

        df <- fnCreateTemporyTbl(mRow1name= input$mRow1name,mRow2name= input$mRow2name,mRow3name= input$mRow3name,mRow4name= input$mRow4name,mgrptitle= input$mgrptitle,mcol1name= input$mcol1name,mcol2name= input$mcol2name,mcol3name= input$mcol3name)
        df <- data.frame(fnUpdateTemporyTbl(
          mValC11 = input$mValC11,mValC12 = input$mValC12,mValC13 = input$mValC13,
          mValC21 = input$mValC21,mValC22 = input$mValC22,mValC23 = input$mValC23,
          mValC31 = input$mValC31,mValC32 = input$mValC32,mValC33 = input$mValC33))

  # depending on your Contingency table type whether2x2 or 2x3 or 3x2, 3x3
  # This code will delete unwanted coumn and rows as NA
  # and then next two lines will delete ALL NA rows and ALL NA columns
            df[c(9:12),] <- NA
            df[,5]       <- NA
          }else if(input$mTableTypeChk=='2x3'){
            df[c(9:12),] <- NA
          }else if(input$mTableTypeChk=='3x2'){
            df[,5]       <- NA
        df <-df[rowSums( != ncol(df), ]        # Drop empty rows
        df <- df[ , colSums( != nrow(df)]       # Drop empty columns

        output$mshowmatrixtbl <- renderUI({
              HTML(fnGenerateKblTbl2columns(df=df,mRow1name= input$mRow1name, mcol1name= input$mcol1name,mcol2name= input$mcol2name,mcol4name= input$mcol4name,mgrptitle= input$mgrptitle))
            HTML(fnGenerateKblTbl3columns(df=df,mRow1name= input$mRow1name, mcol1name= input$mcol1name,mcol2name= input$mcol2name,mcol3name= input$mcol3name,mcol4name= input$mcol4name,mgrptitle= input$mgrptitle))

  # Building temporary dataframe called  df
  fnCreateTemporyTbl <- function(mRow1name,mRow2name,mRow3name,mRow4name,mgrptitle,mcol1name,mcol2name,mcol3name){
      Category     <- c(mRow1name,NA,NA,NA,mRow2name,NA,NA,NA,mRow3name,NA,NA,NA,mRow4name,NA,NA,NA)
      Subcategory        <- c("Count",paste("   % within",mRow1name),paste("% within",mgrptitle),"% of Total",
                        "Count",paste("% within",mRow2name),paste("% within",mgrptitle),"% of Total",
                        "Count",paste("% within",mRow3name),paste("% within",mgrptitle),"% of Total",
                        "Count",paste("% within",'Total'),paste("% within",mgrptitle),"% of Total")
      df           <- data.frame(Category,Subcategory)
    df[mcol1name] <- as.character()
    df[mcol2name]   <- as.character()
    df[mcol3name]   <- as.character()
    df['Total']  <- as.character()
  # function to update df
  fnUpdateTemporyTbl <- function(df,mValC11,mValC12,mValC13,mValC21,mValC22,mValC23,mValC31,mValC32,mValC33){
    mTotline16    <- (mValC11 + mValC12 + mValC13)
    mTotline56    <- (mValC21 + mValC22 + mValC23)
    mTotline96    <- (mValC31 + mValC32 + mValC33)
    mTotline133   <- (mValC11 + mValC21  + mValC31)
    mTotline134   <- (mValC12 + mValC22  + mValC32)
    mTotline135   <- (mValC13 + mValC23  + mValC33)
    mTotline136   <- (mTotline133 + mTotline134 + mTotline135)
    df[1,3]      <- mValC11
    df[1,4]      <- mValC12
    df[1,5]      <- mValC13
    df[1,6]      <- mTotline16
    df[5,3]      <- mValC21
    df[5,4]      <- mValC22
    df[5,5]      <- mValC23
    df[5,6]      <- mTotline56
    df[9,3]      <- mValC31
    df[9,4]      <- mValC32
    df[9,5]      <- mValC33
    df[9,6]      <- mTotline96
    df[13,3]      <- mTotline133
    df[13,4]      <- mTotline134
    df[13,5]      <- mTotline135
    df[13,6]      <- mTotline136
    # % of Disease
    df[2,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC11/mTotline16,2)
    df[2,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC12/mTotline16,2)
    df[2,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC13/mTotline16,2)
    df[2,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline16/mTotline16,2)
    df[6,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC21/mTotline56,2)
    df[6,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC22/mTotline56,2)
    df[6,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC23/mTotline56,2)
    df[6,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline56/mTotline56,2)
    df[10,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC31/mTotline96,2)
    df[10,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC32/mTotline96,2)
    df[10,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC33/mTotline96,2)
    df[10,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline96/mTotline96,2)
    df[14,3]     <- fnpercent(mTotline133/mTotline136,2)
    df[14,4]     <- fnpercent(mTotline134/mTotline136,2)
    df[14,5]     <- fnpercent(mTotline135/mTotline136,2)
    df[14,6]     <- fnpercent(mTotline136/mTotline136,2)
    # % of Sex
    df[3,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC11/mTotline133,2)
    df[3,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC12/mTotline134,2)
    df[3,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC13/mTotline135,2)
    df[3,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline16/mTotline136,2)
    df[7,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC21/mTotline133,2)
    df[7,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC22/mTotline134,2)
    df[7,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC23/mTotline135,2)
    df[7,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline56/mTotline136,2)
    df[11,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC31/mTotline133,2)
    df[11,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC32/mTotline134,2)
    df[11,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC33/mTotline135,2)
    df[11,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline96/mTotline136,2)
    df[15,3]     <- fnpercent(mTotline133/mTotline136,2)
    df[15,4]     <- fnpercent(mTotline134/mTotline136,2)
    df[15,5]     <- fnpercent(mTotline135/mTotline136,2)
    df[15,6]     <- fnpercent(mTotline136/mTotline136,2)
    # % of Total
    df[4,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC11/mTotline136,2)
    df[4,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC12/mTotline136,2)
    df[4,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC13/mTotline136,2)
    df[4,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline16/mTotline136,2)
    df[8,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC21/mTotline136,2)
    df[8,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC22/mTotline136,2)
    df[8,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC23/mTotline136,2)
    df[8,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline56/mTotline136,2)
    df[12,3]      <- fnpercent(mValC31/mTotline136,2)
    df[12,4]      <- fnpercent(mValC32/mTotline136,2)
    df[12,5]      <- fnpercent(mValC33/mTotline136,2)
    df[12,6]      <- fnpercent(mTotline96/mTotline136,2)
    df[16,3]     <- fnpercent(mTotline133/mTotline136,2)
    df[16,4]     <- fnpercent(mTotline134/mTotline136,2)
    df[16,5]     <- fnpercent(mTotline135/mTotline136,2)
    df[16,6]     <- fnpercent(mTotline136/mTotline136,2)
    df <- sapply(df, as.character)    # Convert all columns to character
    df[] <- ""              # Replace NA with blank
  # function to generate kbl table
  our_strwrap <- function(x) lapply(strwrap(x, width = 15, simplify= FALSE), paste, collapse = "\n")
  fnGenerateKblTbl2columns <- function(df,mRow1name,mcol1name,mcol2name,mcol4name,mgrptitle){
    # Set a Title for the table
    mtitle <- paste(mRow1name," * ",mgrptitle, 'Crosstabulation')
    mtitle <- paste('<h4><STRONG><CENTER>',mtitle, '</CENTER></STRONG><h5>')
    # Set a named vector for dynamic header
    myGrpHeader <- c(" " = 2, mgrptitle = 2, " " = 1)    #where you got this:
    # set vector names 
    names(myGrpHeader) <- c(" ", mgrptitle," ")
    mBorderLineRow <- c(4,8)
      mBorderLineRow <- c(mBorderLineRow,12)
    n <- nrow(df)
    #where you got this
    df %>% 
      kbl(align = "llcccc",caption =HTML(mtitle),linesep = "\\addlinespace",row.names=FALSE,
          escape=T, col.names = c("", "", our_strwrap(mcol1name),our_strwrap(mcol2name),our_strwrap(mcol4name))) %>%
      kable_paper(c("striped"),full_width = F) %>%
      column_spec(1, bold = T, background = "#91D1C233",border_left = T) %>%
      column_spec(1,width = "8em", border_right = T) %>%
      column_spec(2,width = "10em", border_right = T) %>% 
      column_spec(c(3,4,5), width = "8em") %>% 
      column_spec(c(3,4,5), italic = T,border_right = T,width = "8em") %>% 
      row_spec(0, bold = T, font_size = 13, extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      row_spec(mBorderLineRow, extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      row_spec(c(n), extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>%
      # kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
      add_header_above(header = myGrpHeader,
                       bold = T,extra_css ="border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>%
      kable_classic(lightable_options = "basic",
                      html_font = "\"Arial Narrow\", \"Source Sans Pro\", sans-serif")
  fnGenerateKblTbl3columns <- function(df,mRow1name,mcol1name,mcol2name,mcol3name,mcol4name,mgrptitle){
    # Set a Title for the table
    mtitle <- paste(mRow1name," * ",mgrptitle, 'Crosstabulation')
    mtitle <- paste('<h4><STRONG><CENTER>',mtitle, '</CENTER></STRONG><h5>')
    # Set a named vector for dynamic header
    myGrpHeader <- c(" " = 2, mgrptitle = 3, " " = 1)    #where you got this:
    # set vector names 
    names(myGrpHeader) <- c(" ", mgrptitle," ")
    mBorderLineRow <- c(4,8)
      mBorderLineRow <- c(mBorderLineRow,12)
    n <- nrow(df)
    #where you got this
    df %>% 
      kbl(align = "llcccc",caption =HTML(mtitle),linesep = "\\addlinespace",row.names=FALSE,
          escape=T, col.names = c("", "", mcol1name,mcol2name,mcol3name,our_strwrap(mcol4name))) %>%
      kable_paper(c("striped"),full_width = F) %>%
      column_spec(1, bold = T, background = "#91D1C233",border_left = T) %>%
      column_spec(1,width = "8em", border_right = T) %>%
      column_spec(2,width = "10em", border_right = T) %>% 
      column_spec(c(3,4,5,6), width = "8em") %>% 
      column_spec(c(3,4,5,6), italic = T,border_right = T,width = "8em") %>% 
      row_spec(0, bold = T, font_size = 13, extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      row_spec(mBorderLineRow, extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      row_spec(c(n), extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      # kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
      add_header_above(header = myGrpHeader,
                       bold = T,extra_css ="border-bottom: 1px solid;") %>% 
      kable_classic(lightable_options = "basic",
                    html_font = "\"Arial Narrow\", \"Source Sans Pro\", sans-serif")

shinyApp(ui, server)

1 Like

Hi @ganapap1,

Once again thank you very much indeed for your ecxellent solution which I understand requires lots of effort put in it and time as well.
I wish I knew how to do it myself and I admire your skills.
It helped me a lot, IMHO it should be regarder as solution of the year in this forum.
I am very grateful.
Thank you again.

Thanks to you for raising such an interesting question on the Forum. I am a YouTuber on R Programming - Data Science, machine learning, and statistics as well as excel macro. my YouTube Channel Name: "Happy Learning-GP". With your permission can I publish this on my YouTube Channel as a video and audio tutorial? Hope you have no objection. Further, kindly visit my channel, you have a lot, especially on medical statistics, everything is like a package, just download and run like this solution

Of course I have no objection, glad to hear that you will publish it as a video/audio tutorial that I will watch with great pleasure and interest.
I did not use Shiny too often but now reading and learning from your solutions I found it very useful and I will treat that as an opportunity to start a new chapter in my R journey.
Once again thank you and all the best to you,

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