How to add svg images to nodes on DiagrammeRsvg using grViz function

Dear All,
I am currently working on using DiagrammeRsvg, I am trying to add an svg image inside the nodes within the graph.
Therefore, I please wanted to know, how I can add an image on a given node using using grViz function on DiagrammeRsvg.
The images should be pasted on nodes component (Comp)11 to Comp15 on the codes below.
Thank you in advance
''' r
#> install.packages("DiagrammeR")
grViz("digraph flowchart {

  # direction of flowchart left to right      
  graph[rankdir = LR, label= 'Study Design', fontsize= 32] 
  # Node definitions with substituted label text
  node [fontname = Arial, shape = rectangle] # font type and frame type        
  # vist_id
  Comp6 [label = 'Baseline', style = filled, style=filled]
  Comp7 [label = '1 month', style = filled, style=filled]
  Comp8 [label = '3 months', style = filled, style=filled]
  Comp9 [label = '6 months', style = filled, style=filled]
  Comp10 [label = '12 months', style = filled, style=filled]
  # definition of all components of the flowchart, Comp= component      
  # visit number
  Comp1 [label = 'Visit 1', shape = plaintext, style=filled]
  Comp2 [label = 'Visit 2', shape = plaintext, style=filled]
  Comp3 [label = 'Visit 3', shape = plaintext, style=filled]
  Comp4 [label = 'Visit 4', shape = plaintext, style=filled]
  Comp5 [label = 'Visit 5', shape = plaintext, style=filled]
  Comp11 [style=filled] # vaccine image to be pasted on this node
  Comp12 [style=filled] # # blood image to be pasted on this node
  Comp13 [style=filled] # vaccine image to be pasted on this node
  Comp14 [style=filled] # # blood image to be pasted on this node
  Comp15 [style=filled] # # blood image to be pasted on this node
  # Creates the relationship between the different components
  Comp1 -> Comp2 -> Comp3 -> Comp4 -> Comp5;
  Comp6 -> Comp7 -> Comp8 -> Comp9 -> Comp10;
  Comp11 -> Comp12 -> Comp13 -> Comp14 -> Comp15
  } # End of digraph function
  # Enter content of the components
  [1]: 'Vaccine' # vaccine image to be pasted on this node
  [2]: 'Blood'   # # blood image to be pasted on this node
  [3]: 'Vaccine' # vaccine image to be pasted on this node
  [4]: 'Blood' # # blood image to be pasted on this node
  [5]: 'Blood' # # blood image to be pasted on this node
  ") # End of grViz command

related topic: # Illustrating nodes with emoji/image/icon? #295,

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