how to bind the line charts altogether and correct line charts percentage

I want to create bind them all together so that when I click hover on any chart it displays the value for all three altogether and how to correct the percentage value for each line chart.

rendered reprex looks like this...

#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Attaching package: 'plotly'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
#>     last_plot
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter
#> The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
#>     layout

    # df <- read.csv("c:/users/nic user/desktop/lk.csv")
      ~month, ~abortion, ~delivery, ~pregnant,
      "Jan-17",        13,        30,        43,
      "Feb-17",        40,        14,        54,
      "Mar-17",        19,        15,        34,
      "Apr-17",        45,        20,        65,
      "May-17",        16,        60,        76,
      "Jun-17",        10,        35,        45,
      "Jul-17",        10,        55,        65,
      "Aug-17",        17,        70,        87,
      "Sep-17",        10,        88,        98,
      "Oct-17",        18,        60,        78,
      "Nov-17",        25,        40,        65,
      "Dec-17",        30,        37,        67,
      "Jan-18",        30,        26,        56,
      "Feb-18",        25,        20,        45,
      "Mar-18",        20,        14,        34,
      "Apr-18",        30,        24,        54,
      "May-18",        20,        45,        65,
      "Jun-18",        10,        57,        67,
      "Jul-18",        10,        88,        98,
      "Aug-18",        60,        18,        78,
      "Sep-18",        30,        35,        65,
      "Oct-18",        30,        37,        67,
      "Nov-18",        10,        46,        56,
      "Dec-18",        20,        45,        65,
      "Jan-19",        10,        35,        45,
      "Feb-19",        10,        24,        34,
      "Mar-19",        30,        35,        65,
      "Apr-19",        40,        25,        65,
      "May-19",        40,        48,        88
    d1<-aggregate(. ~month, data=df,sum)
    xaxis <- list(title = "months",
                  showline = TRUE,
                  showgrid = FALSE,
                  showticklabels = TRUE,
                  linecolor = 'rgb(204, 204, 204)',
                  linewidth = 2,
                  autotick = FALSE,
                  ticks = 'outside',
                  tickcolor = 'rgb(204, 204, 204)',
                  tickwidth = 2,
                  ticklen = 5,
                  tickfont = list(family = 'Arial',
                                  size = 16,
                                  color = 'rgb(82, 82, 82)'))
    yaxis <- list(title = "abortion vs pregnant vs delivery",
                  showgrid = FALSE,
                  zeroline = FALSE,
                  showline = FALSE,
                  showticklabels = FALSE)
    margin <- list(autoexpand = TRUE,
                   l = 100,
                   r = 100,
                   t = 110)
    # Build the annotations
    abortion1 <- list(
      xref = 'paper',
      yref = 'y',
      x = 0.05,
      y = d1$abortion[1],
      xanchor = 'right',
      yanchor = 'middle',
      text = ~paste('abortion ', d1$abortion[1], '%'),
      font = list(family = 'Arial',
                  size = 16,
                  color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)'),
      showarrow = FALSE)
    pregnant1 <- list(
      xref = 'paper',
      yref = 'y',
      x = 0.05,
      y = d1$pregnant[1],
      xanchor = 'right',
      yanchor = 'middle',
      text = ~paste('pregnant ', d1$pregnant[1], '%'),
      font = list(family = 'Arial',
                  size = 16,
                  color = 'rgba(49,130,189, 1)'),
      showarrow = FALSE)
    delivery1 <- list(
      xref = 'paper',
      yref = 'y',
      x = 0.05,
      y = d1$delivery[1],
      xanchor = 'right',
      yanchor = 'middle',
      text = ~paste('delivery ', d1$delivery[1], '%'),
      font = list(family = 'Arial',
                  size = 16,
                  color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)'),
      showarrow = FALSE)
    abortion2 <- list(
      xref = 'paper',
      x = 0.95,
      y = d1$abortion[12],
      xanchor = 'left',
      yanchor = 'middle',
      text = paste('abortion ', d1$abortion[29], '%'),
      font = list(family = 'Arial',
                  size = 16,
                  color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)'),
      showarrow = FALSE)
    pregnant2 <- list(
      xref = 'paper',
      x = 0.95,
      y = d1$pregnant[12],
      xanchor = 'left',
      yanchor = 'middle',
      text = paste('pregnant ', d1$pregnant[29], '%'),
      font = list(family = 'Arial',
                  size = 16,
                  color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)'),
      showarrow = FALSE)
    delivery2 <- list(
      xref = 'paper',
      x = 0.95,
      y = d1$delivery[29],
      xanchor = 'left',
      yanchor = 'middle',
      text = paste('delivery ', d1$delivery[29], '%'),
      font = list(family = 'Arial',
                  size = 16,
                  color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)'),
      showarrow = FALSE)
    fig <- plot_ly(d1, x = d1$month) 
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = d1$abortion, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', line = list(color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)', width = 3),name="abortion")  
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = d1$pregnant, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', line = list(color = 'rgba(49,130,189, 1)', width = 3),name="pregnant") 
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = d1$delivery, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', line = list(color = 'rgba(49,130,189, 1)', width = 3),name="delivery") 
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(x = ~c(d1$month[1], d1$month[29]), y = ~c(d1$abortion[1], d1$abortion[29]), type = 'scatter',name="abortion", mode = 'markers', marker = list(color = 'rgba(67,67,67,1)', size = 16)) 
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(x = ~c(d1$month[1], d1$month[29]), y = ~c(d1$pregnant[1], d1$pregnant[29]), type = 'scatter',name="pregnant", mode = 'markers', marker = list(color = 'rgba(49,130,189, 1)', size = 16)) 
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(x = ~c(d1$month[1], d1$month[29]), y = ~c(d1$delivery[1], d1$delivery[29]), type = 'scatter',name="delivery", mode = 'markers', marker = list(color = 'rgba(49,130,189, 1)', size = 16)) 
    fig <- fig %>% layout(title = "pregnant vs abortion vs delivery", xaxis = xaxis, yaxis = yaxis, margin = margin,
                          autosize = TRUE,
                          showlegend = FALSE,
                          annotations = abortion1) 
    fig <- fig %>% layout(annotations =pregnant1 ) 
    fig <- fig %>% layout(annotations =delivery1 ) 
    fig <- fig %>% layout(annotations =abortion2 ) 
    fig <- fig %>% layout(annotations =pregnant2 )
    fig <- fig %>% layout(annotations =delivery2 ) 

and the graph looks like this...

Any help and suggestion would be great. if there is any other suggestion to improvise it further would be appreciated.

My best guess about what you are asking for is to set the hover mode to be compare, rather than closest to ;

    fig <- fig %>% layout(annotations =delivery2 ) %>%
      layout(hovermode = 'compare')

Unfortunately, I don't understand what you mean by correct the percentage value for each line chart, if you can describe this in more detail I will try to help.

thanks a lot for the help, it is working fine with the solution that you have suggested, what I meant by the percentage is to show what percentage is it of all the columns that I have used to plot the chart.
let's say what percentage is the abortion of all and so on.

Thanks for your help

ok, I see that your dataframe is ony counts. so you redefine d1

  d0<-aggregate(. ~month, data=df,sum)
    d1 <- mutate(rowwise(d0),
                  total = sum(abortion,
                  across(where(is.double),~round(100*./total,digits = 1)),
                  month=lubridate::myd(paste0(month,"-01"))) %>% arrange(month)

note I use a function from the lubridate package to undestand the dates as dates rather than strings.
recommend you use library(tidyverse) and library(lubridate) for convenience.

Also the x-axis ticks look too dense to me, It would appear cleaner I think with autotick TRUE rather than FALSE

Thanks for your help.I really appreciate your concern,I was trying to figure out it for quite a long time,thanks again for your help.

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