How to create a US heat map for 1, selected States 2. Selected counties

I am trying to create a US map in order to display values for select states or counties.

Dataset: USData
Date.................County........State..... Fips.... Value
2020-06-21 Autauga Alabama 1001 431
2020-06-21 Baldwin Alabama 1003 420
2020-06-21 Barbour Alabama 1005 272
2020-06-21 Bibb Alabama 1007 126
2020-06-21 Blount Alabama 1009 143
2020-06-21 Bullock Alabama 1011 327 ......

Code I tried:

#1. If state = "Alabama
USDataS <- USData %>%
filter (State == "Alabama")
2. Select County
USDataC <- USData %>%
filter (County== "Bullock ")

USData <-
plot_usmap(data = USDataS, values =USData$Cases, color = "red") +
low = "white", high = "red", name = "Population (2015)", label = scales::comma
) + theme(legend.position = "right")

Please can someone help me here

Is this difficult for R community....I believe someone can help me here.

I think you need to start with making a more specific question and creating a reproducible example (see FAQ: What's a reproducible example (`reprex`) and how do I do one?)


I agree with @StatSteph that we will be able to help you much better with a reprex, but just to get you started, here's some code that download geographic boundaries and plots them with ggplot2. It uses the tigris package that downloads the boundaries from the US Census Bureau. In addition, if you're doing a lot of spatial work in R, I would highly recommend you take a look at the sf package.


states <- states(cb = TRUE, class = "sf") %>% 
  filter(!as.numeric(STATEFP) %in% c(2, 15, 60, 66, 69, 72, 78)) %>% # lower 48 only
  mutate(var = rnorm(nrow(.)))

states %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fill = var)) +

Created on 2020-06-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


This should get you started; what the code does is:

  1. download US Census bureau shapefile via {tigris} package, in {sf} package format
  2. left joins your data to the shapefile, using county name as key
  3. plots a map via ggplot2::geom_sf() call; all the usual ggplot formatting magic (legends, fill scales etc.) will apply

# shapefile of Alabama counties in {sf} format
alabama <- tigris::counties(state = 'AL', cb = T, class = 'sf')

# your data
data <- tribble(
 ~Date, ~County, ~State, ~Fips, ~Value,
  '2020-06-21', 'Autauga', 'Alabama', 1001, 431,
  '2020-06-21', 'Baldwin', 'Alabama', 1003, 420,
  '2020-06-21', 'Barbour', 'Alabama', 1005, 272,
  '2020-06-21', 'Bibb',    'Alabama', 1007, 126,
  '2020-06-21', 'Blount',  'Alabama', 1009, 143,
  '2020-06-21', 'Bullock', 'Alabama', 1011, 327,

# all Alabama counties, enriched for your data (where available)
chart_src <- alabama %>% 
  left_join(data, by = c("NAME" = "County"))

# a plot to start with
ggplot(chart_src) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = Value))


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