How to disable Debug mode for all function without knowing names?

i had enabled debug for some functions during my training,
i do not remember all those function names now.

when ever i call a function it always open Debug mode.

please help me how to disable Debug mode for all function without knowing names

Source your functions again

The StackOverflow question Listing functions with debug flag set in R asks for advice on a very similar topic.

It seems to me the accepted answer is very relevant to your question, since it provides a way to list all the functions that are in debug state.

My own experience of using debug() was that I always forgot to use undebug() leading to the situation you're in.

So these days I only use debugonce() and never run into this problem any more.

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thanks for your direction.
i did verified the same url b4 posting, but i'm not able to getrid of those Debug