How to extract data from pdf files using R

I am trying to extract data (tables) from pdf files and store them as data frames. I have used tabulizer as well as pdftools packages. What I get are long rows of unstructured and messy data. Can anyone help me to extract this tables from pdf files and have them as data frames or tibbles in R? You can find the file herepdf file

Is this how the characters appear for you as well? (see image below) If so, you're probably going to have to do some serious wrangling once you get the initial data in there

You'll also want to make sure that you have tesseract installed and working to maximize your chances of getting somewhat decent results with pdftools

I just read some data from a PDF yesterday and it might be a good example to start with. - see the program 01_ReadCensusPDF.R

Actually the issue are not the characters , but how and in what form is data extracted from the pdf file.
The characters that you mentioned above are in Armenian, that is why probably they are in this form.
But the table below is in English.
I used this code:
# using package pdftools

f <- file.path("D:/Araratbank/Statement USD.pdf")

text <- pdf_text(f)

using package tabulizer

d <- pdf_data(f) :

These codes produce long rows of unstructured and messy data. I need to have them as data tables as in the file above.

Could you please turn this into a self-contained reprex (short for reproducible example)? It will help us help you if we can be sure we're all working with/looking at the same stuff.


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f <- file.path("D:/Araratbank/Statement USD-pages-1.pdf")

#using pdf tools package

text <- pdf_text(f)

#> [1] "                                                                                                                                                              ´ ³ÝϳÛÇÝ ·³Õï ÝÇù +\r\n                                                                                                                                                                         γï³ñáÕ`\r\n                                                                                                                                îå»ó` سñ·³ñÛ³Ý ²Ýݳ èáµ»ñïÇF226 17/12/19 13:45:39\r\n                                                           ø²Ôì²Ìø ´²ÜβÚÆÜ Ð²ÞìÆò\r\n                                                         ïñ³Ù³¹ñÙ³Ý ³Ùë³ÃÇíÁ         17/12/19 13:46:16\r\n    ´ ³ÝÏ                                                     AM24149, ÚáõÝǵ³ÝÏ äñÇí» Ù³ëݳ×ÛáõÕ\r\n    Ð³×³Ë áñ¹Ç ³Ýáõ ÝÁ/³Ýí ³Ýáõ ÙÁ                            §²¸²ØÆàôئ êäÀ\r\n    гë ó»                                                    вڲêî²Ü ºñ¨³Ý èáõµÇÝÛ³Ýó ÷áÕ. 21/3-19\r\n    г׳Õáñ¹Ç Ñ ³ßí Ç Ñ ³Ù³ñÁ/² ñÅáõ ÛÃÁ                      24149000206001                 USD\r\n    ø³Õí ³ÍùÇ Ñ ³Ù³ñ\r\n    Ü ³Ë áñ¹ ù³Õí ³ÍùÇ Ó¨³í áñÙ³Ý ³Ùë ³ÃÇí                    01/09/19\r\n    êϽµÝ³Ï³Ý Ùݳóáñ¹                                         01/09/19    CR   USD         358,048.19\r\n    F226                                                                                                                                                                  --1\r\n²Ùë ³ÃÇí     ö ³ë ï ³ÃÕÃÇ    ö ³ë ï ³ÃÕÃÇ  ¶ áõ Ù³ñ      DB/ êï ³óáÕÇ/ ì׳ñáÕÇ       êï ³óáÕÇ/ ì׳ñáÕÇ          êï ³óáÕÇ/ í ׳ñáÕÇ                      Ü å³ï ³ÏÁ\r\n                Ñ ³Ù³ñ     Ñ ÕÙ³Ý Ñ ³Ù³ñÁ                 CR   Ñ ³ßí Ç Ñ ³Ù³ñ         ³Ýáõ ÝÁ/³Ýí ³Ýáõ ÙÁ               µ³ÝÏ\r\n                                                                                 PEPSICO HOLDINGS LLC          BLICRUMM / HSBC BANK     INVOICE 03/00362660-19 DD 07.08.19A CC. TO\r\n 02/09/19  190902021464049 190902049382049       7,336.83 DB   38410000000213      141580,RU SSIA,MOSCOW              (RR) OOO           CONTRACT N PS/AD 001/02-18D D 14.02.18\r\n                                                                                   SANDORA LTD         57262,    CITIUAUK / CITIBANK   INV 32015 DD 06.08.19 ACC. TO CONT RACT N\r\n 02/09/19  190902021461049 190902049391049      12,260.20 DB   38410000000213     UKRAINA, N IKOLAEVSKAYA             (UKRAINE)            S-19-3972 DD 01.06.2019 FOR NATURAL\r\n                                                                                        JSC PERMALKO,         AVTBRUMMXXX / URALSIB          INVOICE 255 DD 03.09.19 ACC. TO C\r\n 03/09/19  190903041599049 190903047747049      20,082.24 DB   38410000000213       RUSSIA,614990,G.PERM,             BANK OAO            ONTRACT N282-15 DTD. 16.09.2015 FO R\r\n                                                                                       OOO RODNIK I K         AVTBRUMMXXX / URALSIB       INVOICES 184-190 DD 20.08.19 ACC . TO\r\n 03/09/19  190903041597049 190903047761049      93,139.20 DB   38410000000213       RUSSIA,MOSKOVSKA YA               BANK OAO              CONTRACT N62-M DD 10.05.2016F OR\r\n                                                                                   GLOBAL SPIRITS GROUP MUNIUA22 / TASCOMBANK               INVOICES 18,19 DD 23.08.19 ACC. TOC\r\n 03/09/19  190903041591049 190903047819049      41,015.88 DB   38410000000213     LLC         12 VYACHESLAV     JSC (FORMERLY BANK         ONTRACT N 06/2019-A DD 13.07.19 FOR\r\n                                                                                    ABRAHAM JACOBI- THE        RZBAATWW RAIFFEISEN\r\n 04/09/19  ASW07394/040919 190904088136000      14,307.58 CR   38410000000197        BEER STORE 3-22 S.Y.     BANK INTERNATIONAL AG\r\n                                                                                   M.D. AVIATION SERVICES      RZBAATWW RAIFFEISEN             INV:03092019      DATE 03/09/19\r\n 04/09/19  ASW97492/030919 190904088137000      14,371.58 CR   38410000000197        LTD 30 SHD. GOSHEN       BANK INTERNATIONAL AG\r\n                                                                                   GLOBAL SPIRITS GROUP MUNIUA22 / TASCOMBANK INVOICE 12 DD 09.08.19 ACC. TO CONT RACT\r\n 05/09/19  190905032684049 190905035088049         300.00 DB   38410000000213     LLC         12 VYACHESLAV     JSC (FORMERLY BANK       N 06/2019-A DD 13.07.19 FOR AD VERTISING\r\n                                                                                      LLC WORLD TRADE            BAGAGE22 / BANK OF    INVOICE 809 DD 27.08.19 ACC TO CON TRACT\r\n 05/09/19  190905032676049 190905035147049       6,160.00 DB   38410000000213        COMPANY        GEORGI            GEORGIA           N 071218 DD 07/12/18 FOR TRAN SPORTATION\r\n´³ÝϳÛÇÝ ·³ÕïÝÇù*\r\n                                                                                1\r\n"

#using tabulizer package

statement <- extract_tables(
  file   = f, 
  method = "decide")

#> List of 1
#>  $ : chr [1:20, 1:9] "2Ã\231ë3ÃÇí" "" "" "02/09/19" ...

#> [[1]]
#>       [,1]           [,2]                [,3]                  
#>  [1,] "2Ã\231ë3ÃÇí" "ö 3ëï3ÃÕÃÇ" "ö 3ëï3ÃÕÃÇ"   
#>  [2,] ""             "Ñ3Ã\2313ñ"          "ÑÕÃ\2313Ã\235 Ñ3Ã\2313ñÃ\201"
#>  [3,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#>  [4,] "02/09/19"     "190902021464049"   "190902049382049"     
#>  [5,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#>  [6,] "02/09/19"     "190902021461049"   "190902049391049"     
#>  [7,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#>  [8,] "03/09/19"     "190903041599049"   "190903047747049"     
#>  [9,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#> [10,] "03/09/19"     "190903041597049"   "190903047761049"     
#> [11,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#> [12,] "03/09/19"     "190903041591049"   "190903047819049"     
#> [13,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#> [14,] "04/09/19"     "ASW07394/040919"   "190904088136000"     
#> [15,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#> [16,] "04/09/19"     "ASW97492/030919"   "190904088137000"     
#> [17,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#> [18,] "05/09/19"     "190905032684049"   "190905035088049"     
#> [19,] ""             ""                  ""                    
#> [20,] "05/09/19"     "190905032676049"   "190905035147049"     
#>       [,4]               [,5] [,6]                         
#>  [1,] "¶ áõÃ\2313ñ DB/" ""   "êï3óáÕÇ/ì×3ñáÕÇ"
#>  [2,] ""                 "CR" "Ñ3ᡀ Ñ3Ã\2313ñ"         
#>  [3,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#>  [4,] "7,336.83"         "DB" "38410000000213"             
#>  [5,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#>  [6,] "12,260.20"        "DB" "38410000000213"             
#>  [7,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#>  [8,] "20,082.24"        "DB" "38410000000213"             
#>  [9,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#> [10,] "93,139.20"        "DB" "38410000000213"             
#> [11,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#> [12,] "41,015.88"        "DB" "38410000000213"             
#> [13,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#> [14,] "14,307.58"        "CR" "38410000000197"             
#> [15,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#> [16,] "14,371.58"        "CR" "38410000000197"             
#> [17,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#> [18,] "300.00"           "DB" "38410000000213"             
#> [19,] ""                 ""   ""                           
#> [20,] "6,160.00"         "DB" "38410000000213"             
#>       [,7]                           [,8]                         
#>  [1,] "êï3óáÕÇ/ì×3ñáÕÇ"  "êï3óáÕÇ/í×3ñáÕÇ"
#>  [2,] "3Ã\235áõÃ\235Ã\201/3Ã\235í3Ã\235áõÃ\231Ã\201" "μ3Ã\235Ã\217"                    
#>  [3,] "PEPSICO HOLDINGS LLC"         "BLICRUMM / HSBC BANK"       
#>  [4,] "141580,RU SSIA,MOSCOW"        "(RR) OOO"                   
#>  [5,] "SANDORA LTD57262,"            "CITIUAUK / CITIBANK"        
#>  [6,] "UKRAINA, N IKOLAEVSKAYA"      "(UKRAINE)"                  
#>  [7,] "JSC PERMALKO,"                "AVTBRUMMXXX / URALSIB"      
#>  [8,] "RUSSIA,614990,G.PERM,"        "BANK OAO"                   
#>  [9,] "OOO RODNIK I K"               "AVTBRUMMXXX / URALSIB"      
#> [10,] "RUSSIA,MOSKOVSKA YA"          "BANK OAO"                   
#> [11,] "GLOBAL SPIRITS GROUP"         "MUNIUA22 / TASCOMBANK"      
#> [12,] "LLC12 VYACHESLAV"             "JSC (FORMERLY BANK"         
#> [13,] "ABRAHAM JACOBI- THE"          "RZBAATWW RAIFFEISEN"        
#> [14,] "BEER STORE 3-22 S.Y."         "BANK INTERNATIONAL AG"      
#> [16,] "LTD 30 SHD. GOSHEN"           "BANK INTERNATIONAL AG"      
#> [17,] "GLOBAL SPIRITS GROUP"         "MUNIUA22 / TASCOMBANK"      
#> [18,] "LLC12 VYACHESLAV"             "JSC (FORMERLY BANK"         
#> [19,] "LLC WORLD TRADE"              "BAGAGE22 / BANK OF"         
#> [20,] "COMPANYGEORGI"                "GEORGIA"                    
#>       [,9]                                        
#>  [1,] "Üå3ï3Ã\217Ã\201"                              
#>  [2,] ""                                          
#>  [3,] "INVOICE 03/00362660-19 DD 07.08.19A CC. TO"
#>  [4,] "CONTRACT N  PS/AD 001/02-18D D 14.02.18"   
#>  [5,] "INV 32015  DD 06.08.19 ACC. TO CONT RACT N"
#>  [6,] "S-19-3972  DD 01.06.2019 FOR  NATURAL"     
#>  [7,] "INVOICE 255  DD 03.09.19  ACC. TO C"       
#>  [8,] "ONTRACT N282-15  DTD. 16.09.2015 FO R"     
#>  [9,] "INVOICES  184-190  DD 20.08.19  ACC . TO"  
#> [10,] "CONTRACT N62-M  DD 10.05.2016F OR"         
#> [11,] "INVOICES 18,19 DD 23.08.19 ACC. TOC"       
#> [12,] "ONTRACT N 06/2019-A DD 13.07.19 FOR"       
#> [13,] ""                                          
#> [14,] ""                                          
#> [15,] "INV:03092019DATE 03/09/19"                 
#> [16,] ""                                          
#> [17,] "INVOICE 12 DD 09.08.19 ACC. TO CONT RACT"  
#> [18,] "N 06/2019-A DD 13.07.19 FOR AD VERTISING"  
#> [19,] "INVOICE 809  DD 27.08.19 ACC TO CON TRACT" 
#> [20,] "N 071218 DD 07/12/18 FOR TRAN SPORTATION"

Created on 2020-01-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Thank you.

Thus I need to conduct a tedious clean and tidy work. )

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