How to filter values while using reactable conditional formatting

I am trying to use conditional formatting in reactable. So the issue I am facing here is it even formats values when they are 0 and kind of showing the output (0 shouldnt be green, it should be blank). Below is the code which I have got so far. Any inputs will be appreciated thank you.

df1 <- tibble::tribble(
  ~group, ~type, ~cost,
  "group a", "type 1",           139.95,
  "group a", "type 2",           139.95,
  "group a", "type 3",           139.95,
  "group b", "type 1",           189.24,
  "group b", "type 2",           189.24,
  "group b", "type 3",           0,
  "group c", "type 1",           160.26,
  "group c", "type 2",           160.26,
  "group c", "type 3",           160.26,
  "group d", "type 1",           0,
  "group d", "type 2",           185.02,
  "group d", "type 3",           185.02,
  "group e", "type 1",           204.95,
  "group e", "type 2",           204.95,
  "group e", "type 3",           204.95,
  "group f", "type 1",            0,
  "group f", "type 2",            69.35,
  "group f", "type 3",            69.35

df1$cost <- as.numeric(df1$cost)
df2 <-df1 %>% pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = cost)

GnYlRd <- function(x) rgb(colorRamp(c("#63be7b", "#ffeb84", "#f87274"))(x), maxColorValue = 255)
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    style = function(value) {
      if (!is.numeric(value)) return()
      normalized <- (value - min(df1$cost)) / (max(df1$cost) - min(df1$cost))
      color <- GnYlRd(normalized)
      list(background = color)
    format = colFormat(digits = 1),
    minWidth = 50
  columns = list(
    .rownames = colDef(name = "Year", sortable = TRUE, align = "left")
  bordered = TRUE

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