How to find email domain using stringr_match

If i have an example email like how do I extract just the "com" using stringr_match?

The function is str_match() in the package stringr. Have you checked the documentation with ?str_match ? Have you tried something that didn't work?

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Thank you, the issue has been solved aready!

In the code below, I generate 10 fake emails and perform the operation that you want. As pointed out by @AlexisW, the function is str_match() in the stringr package. However, I use a different function: str_extract(), which is also in the stringr package.


# Generate fake emails
fake_emails <- paste0(stri_rand_strings(n = 10, length = 5), "@domain.", sample(c("com", "net", "org"), size = 10, replace = TRUE))

[1] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
 [9] "" ""

# Extract string
str_extract(fake_emails, "\\w{3}$")

[1] "net" "com" "com" "org" "net" "net" "org" "org" "net" "net"
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If there is only one . you can use

> stringr::str_match("","(?<=\\.).+$")

means "look backwards for a . then match one or more of any character until the end of the string".
If there is more than one . you can use


means "look backwards for a . then match one or more of any character that is not . until the end of the string".

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