How to increase the size of the xyplot() plotting window


I am trying to increase the size of the plotting window to increase the size of my xyplot(). What I have found so far does not work for me. Is there any other way to do this?. Please see below:

windows(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
record = getOption("graphics.record"),
rescale = c("R", "fit", "fixed"), xpinch, ypinch,
bg = "transparent", canvas = "white",
gamma = getOption("gamma"), xpos = NA, ypos = NA,
buffered = getOption("windowsBuffered"))

win.graph(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12)
x11(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12)
X11(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12)
win.metafile(filename = "", width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12)
win.print(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, printer = "")

Problem solved: = 3000, height = 1500, unit = "px")

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