How to parallel 4 nested loops in R on Windows

I changed the solution, but now i wanted to change the inf values in the matrix with NA values. Next one hour R studio is crashed! Is there any fast solution to change the cells value in inf to NA????
@nirgrahamuk i tried with this solution, but is crashed: <- sapply(distance.matrix.setNA, is.infinite)

the distance.matrix.setNA is a matrix that has 22792 rows and cells..

EDIT: I'm using

distance.matrix.setNA[sapply(distance.matrix.setNA, is.infinite)] <- NA

you're simply trying to chew on too much data. the time to process that matrix is subject to On2.
You need to decide to calculate on less at a time, or find a supercomputer

Is blocked?! @nirgrahamuk

There's a bug of R...... but program still running..

How to break the Bug? i want to see my lines.....!

its in this way since 3 days

start small. make a robust process. profile its timing, estimate its scalability.
These steps are all important on your way to addressing a potential monster task, and they might encourage you to abandon your dreams, or put a price on it. I.e. you might estimate how much cloud compute you might need to execute in reasonable time, and see how much that would cost on azure.

If you supply a small reprex, then the community on the forum could begin to attempt to consider how they might address your challenge.
FAQ: How to do a minimal reproducible example ( reprex ) for beginners

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I executed in chuncks of 10 milion of rows. Now i've the dataset!

congratulations, well done

yes, but there's another little problem.. Thanks for your suggestions! @nirgrahamuk

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