How to Prevent Pandoc From Forcing Lists to be Arabic

Let's say I have this list in R Markdown:

1. lorem
   1. dolor 
1. ipsum

When I compile, the output will be like this:

  1. lorem
    1. dolor
  2. ipsum

I want it to be like this instead:

  1. lorem
    1.1 dolor
  2. ipsum

The LaTeX output looks like this:

\item lorem

  \item dolor
\item ipsum

I want it to be like this instead:

\item lorem

  \item dolor
\item ipsum

In other words, I need it to stop adding \def\labelenumii{\arabic{enumii}.}.

Unfortunately, I don't think this type of list are supported yet by Pandoc which is used for conversion

For now you would need to leverage the fancy_list extension of pandoc which is activated by default
and use #. as list marker so that you get the default numbering of your format.

#. lorem
    #. dolor
#. ipsum

will produce



You can also mixed them as explained in

1. lorem
    #. dolor
1. ipsum

you could probably change the default numebring for your list using a header preamble for you latex document using header-includes

Hope it helps

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Thanks that's exactly what I needed. #. does exactly what I want. As for the decimal nested list, it's easy. All you have to do is this:

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