how to run a boolean test on a list using purrr?

well this is extremely weird because I also tried this solution:

tibble(mytext = list(list('rstudio is nice', 'rstats is cool'),
                     list('this stuff is incredible', 'hello world'))) %>% 
  mutate(subsample = map(mytext, ~purrr::keep(.x, str_detect(.x,'rstudio')))) %>% 
  mutate(flag = map_dbl(mytext, ~purrr::some(mytext, ~str_detect(.x,'rstudio'))))

# A tibble: 2 x 3
  mytext     subsample   flag
  <list>     <list>     <dbl>
1 <list [2]> <list [1]>     1
2 <list [2]> <list [0]>     1

Why is it working for you when the call is wrapped into a function? Is this a bug?
