How to substring value from row in r


I want to extract value in row using r .can anyone advise .

I need to extract (AP2468 ) value from below row after SUB ACCT :

Missing subac :HHH90FF1 in parameter setup for SUB ACCT : AP2468 SOURCE : LOAD_POETS : MISSING TRADE LINK

Below you will find different solutions for your request based on the 'stringr' package (CHEAT SHEET). It's a quite cool package with a lot of nice options for string modification. Otherwise R-base function as grep(), gsub(), strsplit(), substr() etc. are also available, just try it out. :wink:


#different ways to extract values of interest out of a vector 
get.AP.v1 <- function(x){
  x <- str_replace_all(x, pattern = ' : | :|: ',replacement = ':')
  x.start <- str_locate(x, pattern = 'ACCT:')[,2] 
  x.end <- str_locate(x, pattern = 'SOURCE:')[,1]
  x <- str_sub(x, start = x.start+1, end = x.end-1)

get.AP.v2 <- function(x){
  x <- unlist(str_split(x, pattern = ':'))
  x <- x[str_detect(x, pattern = 'SOURCE')]
  x <- str_replace(x, pattern = 'SOURCE', replacement = '')

get.AP.v3 <- function(x){
  x <- str_extract(x, '(?<=ACCT : )\\w+')

#run your expample and get value of interest 
x <- c('Missing subac :HHH90FF1 in parameter setup for SUB ACCT : AP2468 SOURCE : LOAD_POETS : MISSING TRADE LINK',
       'Missing subac :HHH90FF1 in parameter setup for SUB ACCT : AP3456 SOURCE : LOAD_POETS : MISSING TRADE LINK',
       'Missing subac :HHH90FF1 in parameter setup for SUB ACCT : BP9876 SOURCE : LOAD_POETS : MISSING TRADE LINK',
       'Missing subac :HHH90FF1 in parameter setup for SUB ACCT : XP1122 SOURCE : LOAD_POETS : MISSING TRADE LINK')

#> [1] "AP2468" "AP3456" "BP9876" "XP1122"
#> [1] "AP2468" "AP3456" "BP9876" "XP1122"
#> [1] "AP2468" "AP3456" "BP9876" "XP1122"

Created on 2019-02-14 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

As note: Please, try to use 'reprex' in future. It's quite a cool tool to post your questions to the R-communtiy. It helps us to help you! :slight_smile:

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