How to treat this kind of errors?

Hello I am using following data and ran some data operation. But it did not work well. Could give me some way of solving my errors? The error was..
Error in [<*tmp*, , i, value = list()) :
new columns would leave holes after existing columns.
Thank you.


1960Q1	3.93	3.87	4.57
1960Q2	3.7	2.99	3.87
1960Q3	2.94	2.36	3.07
1960Q4	2.3	2.31	2.99
1961Q1	2	2.35	2.87
1961Q2	1.73	2.3	2.94
1961Q3	1.68	2.3	3.01
1961Q4	2.4	2.46	3.1
1962Q1	2.46	2.72	3.21
1962Q2	2.61	2.72	3.02
1962Q3	2.85	2.84	3.18

> DATA = data[ -1, ]
> for (i in 1:ncol(DATA)) {
+    DATA[,i]=diff(data[,i])
+ }
Error in `[<`(`*tmp*`, , i, value = list()) : 
  new columns would leave holes after existing columns

Are you trying to import those data from somewhere else?

Thank you for your question!
No, I try to run my codes using the data.
I use some data named as DATA and try run this way.

DATA = data[-1,]
for (i in 1:ncol(DATA)) {

e.w = lm3$residuals

Any ideas will be welcomed and appreciated!


You cant apply diff() to all columns in your data frame since it contains a non-numeric column (i.e. "DESCRIPTOR"). If you start from column 2 the code works

data <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
   DESCRIPTOR = c("1960Q1", "1960Q2", "1960Q3", "1960Q4", "1961Q1", "1961Q2",
                  "1961Q3", "1961Q4", "1962Q1", "1962Q2", "1962Q3"),
          FFR = c(3.93, 3.7, 2.94, 2.3, 2, 1.73, 1.68, 2.4, 2.46, 2.61, 2.85),
        Tbill = c(3.87, 2.99, 2.36, 2.31, 2.35, 2.3, 2.3, 2.46, 2.72, 2.72,
        Tb1yr = c(4.57, 3.87, 3.07, 2.99, 2.87, 2.94, 3.01, 3.1, 3.21, 3.02,

DATA = data[ -1, ]
for (i in 2:ncol(DATA)) {
#>    DESCRIPTOR   FFR Tbill Tb1yr
#> 2      1960Q2 -0.23 -0.88 -0.70
#> 3      1960Q3 -0.76 -0.63 -0.80
#> 4      1960Q4 -0.64 -0.05 -0.08
#> 5      1961Q1 -0.30  0.04 -0.12
#> 6      1961Q2 -0.27 -0.05  0.07
#> 7      1961Q3 -0.05  0.00  0.07
#> 8      1961Q4  0.72  0.16  0.09
#> 9      1962Q1  0.06  0.26  0.11
#> 10     1962Q2  0.15  0.00 -0.19
#> 11     1962Q3  0.24  0.12  0.16

Created on 2019-10-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9000)

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