How to use Dplyr on a SQlite database to un-nest a value?

I currently have a Rsqlite db set up on disk with the following table:

id_no | website_link 
1     | 
2     | 
3     | 

Two columns are: id_no = gives you id number website_link = gives you the links visited for that id number

Each value within the website_link column is separated by a single tabular space " ". I would like to un nest the values to essentially create the following table

id_no | website_link 
1     |
1     | 
1     |
2     |
2     |
3     |

The only thing is that I am using dbplyr to communicate with the Rsqlite db i created and so only Dplyr syntax works with the data cleaning (or SQL).

I cannot seem to use the tidytext pacakges unnest_tokens() function which would help me unnest the data to each row. It seems to throw an error when using functions different from dplyr!

Is there a way I can do this in either SQL that would work with SQlite or in Dplyr?

Basicalyl all i want to do is replicate how the tidytext::unest_tokens() function works but with Dplyr code - because whenever i use any function that is not from the dplyr package i just get errors.

This is because dbplyr doesn't translate tidytext verbs. I'd suggest using the tidyr verb separate_rows(), but that isn't implemented in dbplyr either. However, I think this StackOverflow threads might contain what you're looking for in SQL:

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