How to use existing BibTex bibliography with Quarto

I am just using quarto for the first time. I need to insert a citation but when I click on Insert > Citation the numerous options presented do not seem to include the ability to refer to an existing BibTex bibliography but only to create a new one.
Is it possible to draw references from an existing bibliography?

Yes, of course. Just follow the indications provided in the official Quarto documentation about citations and footnotes. Essentially:

  1. Indicate in the YAML preamble, at document or project level, the bibliography file that must be used to import citations with:
title: "My Document"
bibliography: references.bib
  1. Then, insert new citations in the content following the standard syntax [@citation], or any other options explained on that page.

It is also possible to configure citation style (numbering, etc.) and other specific details.

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