How to write CSV file in sparklyr R?


Following R code is written to read JSON file. At the end, it is creating database schema. I want to write csv file. I have written this code to convert JSON to CSV .

R Code

sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", config = conf, version = '2.2.0')
sample_tbl <- spark_read_json(sc,name="example",path="example.json", header = TRUE, memory = FALSE,
                              overwrite = TRUE) 
sdf_schema_viewer(sample_tbl) # to create db schema
df <- spark_dataframe(sample_tbl)

After above code, following line has been written, but it shows error.

spark_write_csv(df, path = "data.csv", header = TRUE, delimiter = ",",
                charset = "UTF-8", null_value = NULL,
                options = list(), mode = NULL, partition_by = NULL)

How to write CSV file in Sparklyr R ?

No need to cast sample_tbl to a spark_dataframe(), instead, run:

sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", config = conf, version = '2.2.0')
sample_tbl <- spark_read_json(sc,name="example",path="example.json", header = TRUE, memory = FALSE,
                              overwrite = TRUE) 

spark_write_csv(sample_tbl, path = "data.csv", header = TRUE, delimiter = ",",
                charset = "UTF-8", null_value = NULL,
                options = list(), mode = NULL, partition_by = NULL)

@javierluraschi, I have run the same code and instruction given by you. I have not casted sample_tbl to a spark_dataframe()

The code shows following error while creating CSV file. It failed to create CSV file.


Error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: CSV data source does not support 

What may be the reason of error?

To my knowledge, Spark does not support saving nested data to CSV, so data needs to be un-nested before saving to CSV.

@javierluraschi, Now I have un-nested (flattened) the data in Sparklyr by using following R code. Now, further I requir to save this data into CSV file. Now, can you help?

# spark_install(version = "2.2.0")

conf <- spark_config()
conf$'' <- "20g"
conf$'' <- "20g"
conf$spark.executor.cores <- 16
conf$spark.executor.memory <- "20G"
conf$  <- 16
conf$ <- "20G"
conf$spark.executor.instances <- 8
conf$spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled <- "false"
conf$maximizeResourceAllocation <- "true"
conf$spark.default.parallelism <- 32
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", config = conf, version = '2.2.0') # Connection             
 sample_tbl <- spark_read_json(sc,name="example",path="example.json", header = TRUE, memory = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE) 
 sdf_schema_viewer(sample_tbl) # to create db schema

# Code to un-nest data as below,
columns_to_flatten <- sdf_schema_json(sample_tbl, simplify = T) %>%
  # using rlist package for ease of use
  rlist::list.flatten(use.names = T) %>%
  # get names
  names() %>%
  # remove contents of brackets and whitespace
  gsub("\\(.*?\\)|\\s", "", .) %>%
  # add alias for column names, dot replaced with double underscore
  # this avoids duplicate names that would otherwise occur with singular
  {paste(., "AS", gsub("\\.", "__", .))} %>%
  # required, otherwise doesn't seem to work
  sub("variants", "variants[0]", .)

# construct query
sql_statement <- paste("SELECT",
                       paste(columns_to_flatten, collapse = ", "),
                       "FROM example")

# execute on spark cluster, save as table in cluster
spark_session(sc) %>%
  sparklyr::invoke("sql", sql_statement) %>%
  sparklyr::invoke("createOrReplaceTempView", "flattened_example")
tbl(sc, "flattened_example") %>%
final_unnested_table <- collect(tbl(sc, "flattened_example))

Now, I want to ask how to create CSV file (I mean already data got un-nested by using above R code) ?

Note - To reproduce the example you can navigate and save the data - JSON Data - 0.5 MB (10 lines only) and apply in above R code.