Import any data format from the web...

Sear Colleagues i would like to require your help about my question below:

So i would like to import the file below with R and export data in (.csv) file.
File to be import to with R:
Health Accounts Study

Thank you in advance for your support.

Francis D.

This is not a publicly available file; we can't begin to see even what file type it is...

Dear dofrancis3,

unfortunately the link that you provided us is restricted with a password. Can you maybe explain what is the issue?


Hi @dofrancis3

We could not access to the share point because is private.

Dear @M_AcostaCH

Please find the file HERE

Thank you for your support


Dear @nirgrahamuk ;

This is the trap that I can't detect, that why i request your help

Download the data

# install.pacakages('readxl')

OBJ44585131 <- read_excel("C:\\Users\\your_user\\Downloads\\OBJ44585131.xls")

# For export .csv


Dear @M_AcostaCH

Please could you share with me the csv file exported
so that i can compare if it will be the same with mine

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