Import Data from SQL Server To shiny app

i'm trying to build an application through r shiny. i'm having problems with converting sql syntax into syntax that is available in r.
Variables can be passed to SQL statements using paste. Below is how sql syntax looks:

WHERE dbo.SCUST.CustNo not in (select custNo FROM dbo.WCKEY) AND [ADDRESS] not like '%testing%' AND [ADDRESS] not like '%XX%'

I've tried to convert a part and it does work. But i'm stuck when converting the WHERE part. How can I solve this?
Below is how it looks like in r currently:


conn <- odbcDriverConnect("driver={SQL Server};server=;database=;uid=;pwd=")

shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  output$dataset1 <- renderTable ({
    conn <- odbcDriverConnect("driver={SQL Server};server=;database=;uid=;pwd=")    
    queried <- sqlQuery(channel = conn, query = "select 
      ,datediff(year,BIRTHDAY,getdate()) AS age
      FROM dbo.SCUST")
    dataset1 = queried

Any help is appreciated.

Hi, Carolyn, welcome!

I don't understand what you mean by "converting", because as far as I can see you are just executing a sql query from R, and that's ok, so you can just paste your complete sql code as it is rigth now including the filtering part (WHERE).

conn <- odbcDriverConnect("driver={SQL Server};server=;database=;uid=;pwd=")
WHERE dbo.SCUST.CustNo not in (select custNo FROM dbo.WCKEY) AND [ADDRESS] not like '%testing%' AND [ADDRESS] not like '%XX%'"
queried <- sqlQuery(channel = conn, query = query)

Thank you for the solution! It's really helpful :grinning:
However, since the data includes chinese characters, when adding syntax like '%測試%' the result turned into error.Is there anyway to fix it?

I don't know exactly how to do it with your example because I don't use RODBC package but you need to specify your encoding when sending the sql query, in my case with Spanish I use utf8 or latin1 depending on the operating system I'm working on.

Got it,Thank you for Sharing!!
I just solved it by setting the encoding in r.

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