Importing more than one data table from the same worksheet

Hi, what I want to do is to import more than one data table from my word worksheet. I’m using read_excel() to import the data but I have no clue how could I devide those tables. My data has 5 tables inside one sheet and they are devided by blank row. My Q is: How can I import the whole worksheet and devide those tables so data will be tidy.

If you only have one file to deal with, you can use the read.xlsx function from the openxlsx package and specify the rows and columns to read.

If you have to handle many files, here is a simplistic method. It assumes that each table has a header row, there is one empty row after each table, and the only NA values in the first column are in the rows between tables. The data frames are stored in a list.


df <- read.xlsx("~/R/Play/Source.xlsx", skipEmptyRows = FALSE)
#>    First Second   Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
#> 1     23  28.29 34.7967      1     3    11
#> 2     25  30.75 37.8225      2     4    22
#> 3   <NA>   <NA>    <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
#> 4    YYY    TTT     RRR    EEE   WWW   QQQ
#> 5      A      Q       V      W     U     N
#> 6      S      W       G      R     I     M
#> 7   <NA>   <NA>    <NA>   <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
#> 8    rrr    ttt     yyy    uuu  iiii   ooo
#> 9     45     66      88      8    53    73
#> 10    48     77      99      1    58    52
TotalRows <- nrow(df)
SplitRows <- which($First))
SplitRows <- c(0, SplitRows, TotalRows + 1)
NumSplits <- length(SplitRows) - 1
DFs <- vector(mode = "list", length = NumSplits)
for (i in 1:NumSplits) {
  if ( i ==1){
      DFs[[i]] <- df[(SplitRows[i] + 1):(SplitRows[i+1] - 1), ]
  } else {
    DFs[[i]] <- df[(SplitRows[i] + 2):(SplitRows[i+1] - 1),]
    colnames(DFs[[i]]) <- df[SplitRows[i] + 1, ]
#>   First Second   Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
#> 1    23  28.29 34.7967      1     3    11
#> 2    25  30.75 37.8225      2     4    22
#> 5   A   Q   V   W   U   N
#> 6   S   W   G   R   I   M
#>    rrr ttt yyy uuu iiii ooo
#> 9   45  66  88   8   53  73
#> 10  48  77  99   1   58  52
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