importing stock prices

I am trying to upload stock prices for McDonalds and Netflix however I keep getting an error message as follows

what I code:
stocks <- tq_get(c("NFLX", "MCD"), get = "stock.prices", from="2019-01-01")

error message:
Warning: Problem with mutate() column data... :information_source: data.. = purrr::map(...)
. :information_source: x = 'NFLX', get = 'stock.prices': Error in new.session(): Could not establish session after 5 attempts.
Removing NFLX. Warning: Problem with mutate() column data... :information_source: data.. = purrr::map(...).
:information_source: x = 'MCD', get = 'stock.prices': Error in new.session(): Could not establish session after 5 attempts. Removing MCD.

Please help me


This seems like a connectivity issue, either the Yahoo Finance service is unavailable at the moment, or you are experiencing connectivity restrictions of some kind (firewall, proxy server, etc). Can you access Yahoo Finance outside of R?

The Yahoo API slightly changed. quantmod has already sent a fix for this to CRAN, so just use install.packages("quantmod") and restart R and it should work

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