In R with RStudio, is there an approach to redirect the output from looping through a matrix into a data frame

for example:

the 3 lines below results in printing out the sequence as a data frame

df_odose <- data.frame(odose=c(dose))

Desired is the output ...

looping through a large matrix (my_data1_matrix)

for the 122nd row to be redirected into a data frame.


for(row in 122:nrow(my_data1_matrix)) {
    for(col in auc) {
        print((my_data1_matrix[row, col]))

If I understand you correctly, you can use R's subsetting syntax rather than for loops. To get columns 1, 3 and 5 from row 3 to 8 from a matrix into a data frame

MAT <- matrix(1:40, nrow = 8)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]    1    9   17   25   33
#> [2,]    2   10   18   26   34
#> [3,]    3   11   19   27   35
#> [4,]    4   12   20   28   36
#> [5,]    5   13   21   29   37
#> [6,]    6   14   22   30   38
#> [7,]    7   15   23   31   39
#> [8,]    8   16   24   32   40
col <- c(1,3,5)
df <-[3:8, col])
#>   V1 V2 V3
#> 1  3 19 35
#> 2  4 20 36
#> 3  5 21 37
#> 4  6 22 38
#> 5  7 23 39
#> 6  8 24 40

Created on 2019-07-10 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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The requirement for the columns was to loop through the sequence of auc=(5,3867,39). The row remains constant as row 122..
Hence starts with the value at [122,5]
Next would be [122,(5+39)]
Next would be [122,(5+2*39)]

last, 100th, would be [122,3867]

The problem definition is to produce the output for auc as
1 value at row 122, column 5
2 value at row 122, column (5+39)
3 value at row 122, column (5+2*39)
100 value at row 122, column (3867)

Just to make sure its clear what I'm looking for.
I've got the auc out output using the loop through the data matrix.
What I'm trying to do is achieve this same output as a data frame.
It seems simple but its got me stumped.

The solution was staring me in the face.

df_test2 = data.frame((my_data1_matrix)) # convert to data frame

Loop over the data frame


for(row in 122:nrow(df_test2)) {
for(col in auc) {
print((df_test2[row, col]))

If the following does not answer your question, please post your actual code as a Reproducible Example (Reprex)

MAT <- matrix(1:40, nrow = 8)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]    1    9   17   25   33
#> [2,]    2   10   18   26   34
#> [3,]    3   11   19   27   35
#> [4,]    4   12   20   28   36
#> [5,]    5   13   21   29   37
#> [6,]    6   14   22   30   38
#> [7,]    7   15   23   31   39
#> [8,]    8   16   24   32   40
auc <- seq(1, 5, 2)
#with loop
Vals <- vector("numeric", length = length(auc))
for(i in seq_along(auc)) {
  Vals[i] <- MAT[2, auc[i]]
df <-
#>   Vals
#> 1    2
#> 2   18
#> 3   34
 #without loop
Row2 = MAT[2, auc]
df2 <-
#>   Row2
#> 1    2
#> 2   18
#> 3   34

Created on 2019-07-10 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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