install multiple different versions of R in ubuntu 18.04

How I can install multiple different versions of R in Ubuntu 18.04?

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Hi @rnsarma,

Are you planning to use these versions of R with an RStudio product?

RStudio Server Pro and RStudio Connect both work well with multiple versions of R. Our open source products are designed to be used with only one version of R at a time.

Here is our suggested R install path:

Please feel free to respond with any further questions!

Thank you for your response. I want to use different versions of R in R studio for desktop open source edition in Ubuntu 18.04. please suggest.

Hi @rnsarma,

There may be workaround you can use, but RStudio desktop is not designed to be configured with multiple versions of R. This is a feature of RStudio Server Pro if you find that would be helpful.

You can configure which version of R to use in your .Rprofile, so that would be where I would start trying things.

Good luck!


I wrote a bash script just for this purpose. It can be found on github as a gist here:

I wrote up my thought process in this blog post here:

@SESR, I noticed you posted a similar question on the closed topic here:
Change R version to a previous one! (ubuntu 18)

I wrote a bash script just for this purpose. It can be found on github as a gist here:

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