Install package dependencies - package "frontiles"

I am trying to install a package that is not available at CRAN any more: frontiles

I have downloaded de package (frontiles_1.2.tar.gz) and tried to uploaded it manually using RStudio, and I get the following error:

ERROR: dependencies 'classInt', 'rgl', 'sp' are not available for package 'frontiles'

Is there any way for installing these dependencies so I can then install the package frontiles?

I am really not an expert in coding and informatics, so I would appreciate very clear step by step answers, so I am able to follow your advice...

Thank you in advance!!

These are all R packages still on CRAN so you can simply run

install.packages(c("classInt", "rgl", "sp"))

Thank you! Yuor advice was very helpful!

I describe bellow the steps I followed, in case it helps anyone else.

I followed your advice with the following codes:
install.packages(c("classInt", "rgl", "sp","colorspace"))
require("colorspace") #this is an extra dependency that was required

Then I installed RTools in my computer: RTools: Toolchains for building R and R packages from source on Windows

And then I upload manually the frontiles package.

Thanks again for your help.

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