Installing RStudio as Desktop App


I used to use R as a web app. Now I want to install it as Desktop app. When installing on my Desktop I go to Rstudio site to download it and R-Project. My question is what should I install from R-Project sit?
My OS is Mac.


I am not a MAC user myself but assuming that you have an updated version of MAC OS, then you can download:

This is the download link of the latest version of R (4.0.3). If it does not work for some reason, you may try to install an older version. You can find them all here:

Make sure to download the files that end in .pkg.

When I want to install the CRAn, which link should I choose?

When opened the R, I got this message.

Actually, what you opened is what we usually call the "R GUI". What you want to open instead is the RStudio application, which you said you downloaded and installed already.

This means, that I should keep only RStudio. Am I right?

If so, what is the benefit of R, if RStudio can stand alone?

RStudio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the R programming language so you can use R trough RStudio but you can't use RStudio without the R programming language installed.

What should I do in order to get the right installation of R on my PC?

Sorry but I don't understand your issue. In general, you need to install the R programming language from CRAN (as gueyenono already told you) and if you want, you can install RStudio to use as your IDE (think of it as an improved graphical user interface).
About the R version, if your macOS version is current enough to allow it, you should go for the latest version which is 4.0.3

I installed the latest version and got warnings as attached

If I want to install it from the CRAN, which can I choose?

Those messages are warning you that your system's locale settings are not compatible but changing them is outside of this forum's scope and I'm not even a macOS user so I can't be of help with that, although, maybe someone else could help you.

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In this short video, I explain the difference between R and RStudio. It might help you understand:

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Yes, I understand, but I need to know which version of R to install on my Mac

Any quick help please

I don't think that the warning that you got (on the screenshot that you posted) will prevent you from using R on your computer. I am sure that if you try to run some R code, it will work. Try it and let us know.

I need to install R on my Mack. the latest version of R package didnot work. So which version should I use for installation.


Do keep in mind the difference between R and RStudio (Differentiating R from RStudio).

The screenshots show you are installing R, and your system is preventing you.
The error message is referring to this section of the Mac OS X FAQ doc.

Once you've successfully installed R, RStudio is avaialble here: Download the RStudio IDE - RStudio