Integrating OpenTripPlanner Instance in R Shiny App

I am building a Shiny App that uses GTFS feeds and a local Open Trip Planner instance to measure transit access sheds in greater Boston. Currently, I am using a httr:: query to access the LIsochrone API, on the localhost server.

In order for this function to work on, I need to connect to a remote server.

I already have a Graph Built and the OSM data downloaded for the region of interest. I imagine I can include these in my package of files when I publish the app.

My questions:

(1) Is it possible to run an OTP instance on a Shiny Server?
(2) How would I start up this hypothetical server in my R Code?
(2) What URL do I use to connect to that instance (e.g. for a httr:: or opentripplanner:: query)?

The relevant code is included below, to show the type of workflow I hope to execute. I have already reached out to the MBTA to see if they have an OTP instance I can use instead. That would make things much easier.

 observeEvent(input$go, {
    lat <- input$mymap_click$lat  ##user click
    lng <- input$mymap_click$lng  ##user click
    current <- GET(
        "http://localhost:8080/otp/routers/mbta/isochrone", ##THIS IS THE URL I HOPE TO EDIT
        query = list(
            toPlace = "53.3627432,-2.2729342",
            fromPlace = paste(lat,lng,sep = ","), # latlong of place
            mode = paste(input$modes, collapse = ","), # modes we want the route planner to use
            date = "10-22-2020",
            time= paste0(input$hh,":",input$mm,input$am_pm),
            maxTimeSec = as.numeric(input$mins)*60,
            maxWalkDistance = (as.numeric(input$walk)*1609.344), #convert mile input to metres
            walkReluctance = 5,
            minTransferTime = (as.numeric(input$transfer)*60),
            wheelchair = input$wheelchair,
            maxTransfers = input$max_transfer, # in secs
            cutoffSec = 900,
            cutoffSec = 1800,
            cutoffSec = 2700,
            cutoffSec = 3600)
        current_content  <- content(current, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
         iso <- st_read(current_content ) %>% st_transform(4326)