interactingan: Interactive Slides Presentations from R - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

interactingan: Interactive Slides Presentations from R

Authors: Juan Cruz Rodriguez
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: interactingan: Interactive Presentation Ninja.

Full Description: Have you ever tried slido or Mentimeter? So you know how useful it is having audience interactive slides for teaching or conferences. But, you also love using your xaringan slides.

Now, thanks to the interactingan R package, it is possible to incorporate interactive objects into your xaringan presentations!

interactingan will knit your slides ('interactingan.Rmd' file in the RStudio Cloud project), and create a shiny app ('resulting_shiny_app/' folder in the RStudio Cloud project) that will render to your presentation, to the users' interactions app, and to the admin panel app.

This post is a basic example of a presentation built with interactingan.

Link for presenter:
Link for audience:
Link for admin:

Note that the presenter link is meant to be used by only one user, so if someone else is testing this link, it may behave unexpectedly.

Category: Shiny extensions
Keywords: interactive presentation, slido, mentimeter, slides, rmarkdown, xaringan
Shiny app: Shiny Contest 2020: Interactive Presentation Ninja
Repo: GitHub - jcrodriguez1989/shiny_contest_interactingan: interactingan presentation for Shiny Contest 2020
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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