Interaction Plot from a Table of Means

I need to construct a data frame and an interaction plot from the following table of means. However, the plot is not coming out correctly. I am using the basic R graphics package to make the plot. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Column Gas Flow Rate
Temperature Low High
120 10 13
180 12 18
data.2=data.frame(gas.rate.1=c(Low= rep(c(10,12), each = 2)),
                  gas.rate.2=c(High= rep(c(13,18), times = 2)),
                  temp = c(120,180))

#>      gas.rate.1 gas.rate.2 temp
#> Low1         10         13  120
#> Low2         10         18  180
#> Low3         12         13  120
#> Low4         12         18  180
#> gas.rate.1 gas.rate.2       temp 
#>         17         17         21
                 fun = mean, 
                 ylab = "Temperature", 
                 xlab = "Gas Flow", 
                 col = c("purple", "blue"), 
                 lty = 1, 
                 lwd = 2, 
                 trace.label = "Gas")

Created on 2021-10-10 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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