Interactions between leaflet and plotly

Hello all,

I try to link leaflet and plotly in a shiny app in order to draw a cross on both according to the value of a variable when hover.

  1. When hover the leaflet map, I use the x-coordinates of mouse to define the nearest point on the plotted layer and draw cross for this point. Then I use "addTraces" to add a vertical line corresponding to the value stored in the point of the layer selected in in the leaflet map.
  2. In the plotly I use spikesline to draw a vertical line at the point closest to the cursor position. Then I draw polylines in the leaflet map corresponding to the value stored in the point selected in the plotly.

This solution is not effective, because very slow, when I use my data, which contains a large number of points with a much larger geographical extent.

  1. For plotly, The idea would be triggering mouse events in plotly with "potly.Fx.hover" in order to use spikelines which seems much faster than "addTraces". Unfortunately, I don't code in javascript although the solution seems to be oriented there.
  2. I would also like to speed up the plotting of polylines in the leaflet map but I have no idea of the solutions.

Here my code, where I generate data for the example:


#! ---------- SERVER

shinyServer(function(input, output, session){

  #! --------------------- spatial data
  #! SpatialLines
  sp_line <- sp::SpatialLines(list(
    sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(cbind(c(4.023027, 4.021673),
                                  c(48.56464, 48.56466)))),
    sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(cbind(c(4.021673, 4.020289),
                                  c(48.56466, 48.56378)))),
    sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(cbind(c(4.020289, 4.018935),
                                  c(48.56378, 48.56380)))),
    sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(cbind(c(4.018935, 4.017552),
                                  c(48.56380, 48.56292)))),
    sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(cbind(c(4.017552, 4.016198),
                                  c(48.56292, 48.56294)))),
    proj4string = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
  #! SpatialLinesDataFrame
  sp_line <- sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(sp_line,
                                       data = data.frame(data1 = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
                                                         data2 = c(2, 20, 30, 35, 37)))
  #! --------------------- reactiveValues
  plotly_hover <- reactiveValues(proxy = plotly::plotlyProxy(outputId = "plot"))
  leaflet <- reactiveValues(mouseover_map = NULL,
                            line_x1 = NULL,
                            line_y1 = NULL,
                            line_x2 = NULL,
                            line_y2 = NULL,
                            extent = NULL,
                            lines_intersect = NULL)
  #! --------------------- PLOTLY
  output$plot <- plotly::renderPlotly({
    #! plot
    p <- plotly::plot_ly(type = "scatter",
                         mode = "lines+markers",
                         x = sp_line@data$data1,
                         y = sp_line@data$data2
    #! layout
    p <- plotly::layout(p, xaxis = list(showspikes = TRUE,
                                        showline = TRUE,
                                        spikemode = "across",
                                        hovermode = "x"),
                        yaxis = list(range = c(0, 37)))

  #! --------------------- LEAFLET
  output$map <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
    my_map <- leaflet::leaflet()
    #! function to get mousemove coordinates
    my_map <- htmlwidgets::onRender(my_map,
                                    jsCode = "function(el,x){
                                              this.on('mousemove', function(e) {
                                                  var lat =;
                                                  var lng = e.latlng.lng;
                                                  var coord = [lat, lng];
                                                  Shiny.onInputChange('hover_coordinates', coord);
                                                  Shiny.onInputChange('elem', test_hidden_value);
                                              this.on('mouseout', function(e) {
                                                  Shiny.onInputChange('hover_coordinates', null)

    #! #! define bounds
    my_map <- leaflet::fitBounds(map = my_map,
                                 lng1 = sp_line@bbox[1,1],
                                 lng2 = sp_line@bbox[1,2],
                                 lat1 = sp_line@bbox[2,1],
                                 lat2 = sp_line@bbox[2,2])
    #! ajoute le trace du cours deau choisi from points
    my_map <- leaflet::addPolylines(map = my_map,
                                    data = sp_line,
                                    group = "sp_line",
                                    layerId = sp_line@data$data1)
  #! ---------- observe
    leaflet$extent <- input$map_bounds

  #! ---------- observeEvent : PLOTLY HOVER
  toListen_plotly_hover <- reactive({
    list(plotly::event_data(event = "plotly_hover"))
  observeEvent(toListen_plotly_hover(), {
    #! save plotly_hover value
    hover_data <- plotly::event_data(event = "plotly_hover")$x
    #! if null
      map <- leaflet::leafletProxy(mapId = "map")
      map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_x")
      map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_y")
    #! --------------------- LEAFLET

    map <- leaflet::leafletProxy(mapId = "map")

    #! ind shp where sp_line$data1 == plotly_hover$data1
    ind <- which(sp_line@data$data1 == hover_data)

    #! horizontal line
    leaflet$line_y <- data.frame(lng = c(leaflet$extent$west,
                                 lat = c(sp_line@lines[[ind]]@Lines[[1]]@coords[1,2],
    #! vertical line
    leaflet$line_x <- data.frame(lng = c(sp_line@lines[[ind]]@Lines[[1]]@coords[1,1],
                                 lat = c(leaflet$extent$south, leaflet$extent$north))

    #! clear previous lines
    map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_y")
    map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_x")

    #! new horizontal line
    map <- leaflet::addPolylines(map = map,
                                 lng = ~lng,
                                 lat = ~lat,
                                 data = leaflet$line_y,
                                 group = "line_temp_y")

    #! new vertical line
    map <- leaflet::addPolylines(map = map,
                                 lng = ~lng,
                                 lat = ~lat,
                                 data = leaflet$line_x,
                                 group = "line_temp_x")
  }) #!end observeEvent plotly hover
  #! ---------- observeEvent : MOUSEOVER MAP

  toListen_mouseover_map <- reactive({

  observeEvent(toListen_mouseover_map(), {

    leaflet$mouseover_map <- as.numeric(input$hover_coordinates)
    #! --------------------- if coordinates null

      #! leaflet
      map <- leaflet::leafletProxy(mapId = "map")
      map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_y")
      map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_x")

      #! plotly
      plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy,
                                                      method = "deleteTraces",

    #! --------------------- when mouse within bbox of sp_line
    if(leaflet$mouseover_map[2] >= sp_line@bbox[1] & leaflet$mouseover_map[2] <= sp_line@bbox[3]){

      #! create vertical line to cursor x coordinates
      vertical_line_cursor <- sp::SpatialLines(list(
        proj4string = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))

      leaflet$lines_intersect <- sp_line[which(rgeos::gIntersects(sp_line,
                                                                  vertical_line_cursor, byid = TRUE)), ]

      #! --------------------- LEAFLET
      map <- leaflet::leafletProxy(mapId = "map")

      #! vertical line
      leaflet$line_y1 <- data.frame(lng = c(leaflet$extent$west, leaflet$extent$east),
                                    lat = c(leaflet$lines_intersect@lines[[1]]@Lines[[1]]@coords[1,2],

      #! horizontal line
      leaflet$line_x1 <- data.frame(lat = c(leaflet$extent$south, leaflet$extent$north),
                                    lng = c(leaflet$lines_intersect@lines[[1]]@Lines[[1]]@coords[1,1],

      #! check if lines are different to avoid multiple draw
      if(!identical(leaflet$line_y1, leaflet$line_y2) | !identical(leaflet$line_x1, leaflet$line_x2)){

        map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_y")
        map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_x")

        #! vertical line
        map <- leaflet::addPolylines(map = map,
                                     lng = ~lng,
                                     lat = ~lat,
                                     data = leaflet$line_y1,
                                     group = "line_temp_y")

        #! horizontal line
        map <- leaflet::addPolylines(map = map,
                                     lng = ~lng,
                                     lat = ~lat,
                                     data = leaflet$line_x1,
                                     group = "line_temp_x")

        leaflet$line_y2 <- leaflet$line_y1
        leaflet$line_x2 <- leaflet$line_x1

        #! --------------------- PLOTLY

        #! delete previous line
        plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy, method = "deleteTraces",

        #! draw vertical line to follow leaflet position
        plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy, method = "addTraces",

                                                        list(x =c(leaflet$lines_intersect@data$data1,
                                                             y = c(0,37),
                                                             type = "scatter",
                                                             mode = "lines"

      } #! end if identical

      #! if no lines intersected

      #! --------------------- LEAFLET

      #! vertical line
      leaflet$line_x1 <- data.frame(lng = c(leaflet$mouseover_map[2], leaflet$mouseover_map[2]),
                                    lat = c(leaflet$extent$south, leaflet$extent$north))

      map <- leaflet::leafletProxy(mapId = "map")

      map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_x")
      map <- leaflet::clearGroup(map = map, group = "line_temp_y")

      #! vertical line
      map <- leaflet::addPolylines(map = map,
                                   lng = ~lng,
                                   lat = ~lat,
                                   data = leaflet$line_x1,
                                   group = "line_temp_x")

      #! --------------------- PLOTLY

      plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy,
                                                      method = "deleteTraces",

    } #! end else

  }) #!end observeEvent MOUSEOVER MAP

}) #! end shinyserver


#! --------------------- UI
      leaflet::leafletOutput(outputId = "map"),
      plotly::plotlyOutput(outputId = "plot")

  ) #! end fluidPage
) #! end shinyUI

Thank you very much in advance if someone can provide me with a solution to this problem.


Hi @benoit.genot, you'll get much better performance out of Plotly.restyle instead of Plotly.addTraces/Plotly.deleteTraces

The 'trick' will be to have an 'invisible' trace when points aren't being hovered on, but then restyle that trace to be the appropriate vertical line.

Hello @cpsievert,

thank you for your answer. I was able to test the methods you told me. In the simple example I provided it works quite well but with my real data, it is still very slow. I have about 2000 points.

  1. if I draw all the lines when I launch the application, and then use "visible"/"invisible" to display each line when I want, the waiting time is really very long at the starting:
#! when I start the shiny app
for(i in trace$seq_trace){
	p <- plotly::add_trace(p,
                           x = i,
                           y = c(0, 37),
                           type = "scatter",
                           mode = "lines",
                           visible = FALSE)
#! when I want to display a line
trace$visible_trace <- lapply(c(TRUE,
                                length(trace$seq_trace))), function(i) i)
trace$visible_trace[[which(trace$seq_trace == leaflet$lines_intersect@data$data1)]] <- TRUE
plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy,
                                                        method = "restyle",
                                                        list(visible = trace$visible_trace))
  1. if I trace it as I go along, the application is very very slow to react.

#! draw vertical line to follow leaflet position
plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy,
                                                method = "restyle",
#! show updated line
plotly_hover$proxy <- plotly::plotlyProxyInvoke(p = plotly_hover$proxy,
                                               method = "restyle",
                                               list(visible = list(TRUE,

When I fly over the plotly with the mouse, drawing the corresponding lines doesn't seem to be a problem, that's why I think I have to go this way. I have no idea other than the possibility of "potly.Fx.hover", but I don't have the solution to implement it.


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