Internal Server Error when making new invitation

I'm trying to invite someone to join one of my space. The problem is: the person never received the email and I'm getting an "Internal Server Error" when I go to the "Invitations" tab of my space. Any clues on how to solve this? Access is set on "invitation required".


[space is #11530]

Hi Florence,

I've identified the issue but we are still investigating a solution to the problem. It's getting late in the day so I'm not sure we're going to have a fix for you today.


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Quick update. I believe this is a bug and related to non-ascii characters in the space name (specifically it seems to be having issues with the é character). I'm filing a bug for this - but it will take a little while to push the fix out to production.

If you could confirm that this is the source of the issue by changing the space name to something that only uses ascii characters that would be helpful.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Yes - done. I don't know if you did anything else, but the invitation worked out after I removed the non-ascii characters. Thank you!

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