is it possible to add the text column to dygraph chart

I wanna display the respective unit name too along with all the other columns which contain values, is it possible and how to get it done if it is...


data <- tibble::tribble(
                ~month, ~UnitName, ~abortion, ~delivery, ~pregnant,
          "01-01-2017",       "a",        13,        30,        43,
          "01-02-2017",       "b",        40,        14,        54,
          "01-03-2017",       "c",        19,        15,        34,
          "01-04-2017",       "d",        45,        20,        65,
          "01-05-2017",       "e",        16,        60,        76,
          "01-06-2017",       "f",        10,        35,        45,
          "01-07-2017",       "g",        10,        55,        65,
          "01-08-2017",       "h",        17,        70,        87,
          "01-09-2017",       "i",        10,        88,        98,
          "01-10-2017",       "j",        18,        60,        78,
          "01-11-2017",       "k",        25,        40,        65,
          "01-12-2017",       "l",        30,        37,        67,
          "01-01-2018",       "m",        30,        26,        56,
          "01-02-2018",       "n",        25,        20,        45,
          "01-03-2018",       "o",        20,        14,        34,
          "01-04-2018",       "p",        30,        24,        54,
          "01-05-2018",       "q",        20,        45,        65,
          "01-06-2018",       "r",        10,        57,        67,
          "01-07-2018",       "s",        10,        88,        98,
          "01-08-2018",       "t",        60,        18,        78,
          "01-09-2018",       "u",        30,        35,        65,
          "01-10-2018",       "v",        30,        37,        67,
          "01-11-2018",       "w",        10,        46,        56,
          "01-12-2018",       "x",        20,        45,        65,
          "01-01-2019",       "y",        10,        35,        45,
          "01-02-2019",       "z",        10,        24,        34,
          "01-03-2019",      "aa",        30,        35,        65,
          "01-04-2019",      "bb",        40,        25,        65,
          "01-05-2019",      "cc",        40,        48,        88

data$datetime <- dmy(data$month)

don <- xts(x = data[,], = data$datetime)

dyMultiColumn <- function(dygraph) {
  dyPlotter(dygraph = dygraph,
            name = "MultiColumn",
            path = system.file("plotters/multicolumn.js",
                               package = "dygraphs"))}

ad <- cbind(don$abortion,don$delivery,don$pregnant)
dygraph(ad) %>%
  dyRangeSelector() %>%
dygraph(ad, main = "abortion vs delivery vs pregnant") %>%
  dySeries("abortion", stepPlot = TRUE, color = "red") %>%
  dyGroup(c("delivery", "pregnant"), drawPoints = TRUE, color = c("blue", "green")) %>% 
   dyLegend(width = 550) %>% 
    # dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 5, 
    #           highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha = 0.2,
    #           hideOnMouseOut = FALSE)
  dyHighlight(highlightSeriesOpts = list(strokeWidth = 3)) %>% 
dyRangeSelector() %>% 
   # dyRoller(rollPeriod = 1) %>% 
dyUnzoom() %>% 
  dyCrosshair(direction = "vertical")

I tried to add it like other value columns but it didn't work out, could anyone please tell me how to achieve the same.

ad <- cbind(don$abortion,don$delivery,don$pregnant,don$UnitName)
dygraph(ad) %>%
  dyRangeSelector() %>%
dygraph(ad, main = "abortion vs delivery vs pregnant") %>%
  dySeries("abortion", stepPlot = TRUE, color = "red") %>%
  dyGroup(c("delivery", "pregnant","UnitName"), drawPoints = TRUE, color = c("blue", "green","red")) %>% 
   dyLegend(width = 600) %>% 

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