Is there a way to create a dataframe from an array of keys and array of values?

Is there a way to create a dataframe from an array of keys and array of values?

How do I create a data.frame from the following keys and values?

keys = letters[1:5]
values = array(1:50, dim=c(10, 5))

*How" may not be the right question if the intent is to create a hash.

(data.frame(keys = letters[1:5],values = array(1:50, dim=c(10, 5))))
#>    keys values.1 values.2 values.3 values.4 values.5
#> 1     a        1       11       21       31       41
#> 2     b        2       12       22       32       42
#> 3     c        3       13       23       33       43
#> 4     d        4       14       24       34       44
#> 5     e        5       15       25       35       45
#> 6     a        6       16       26       36       46
#> 7     b        7       17       27       37       47
#> 8     c        8       18       28       38       48
#> 9     d        9       19       29       39       49
#> 10    e       10       20       30       40       50

Created on 2023-03-31 with reprex v2.0.2

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