Issue in accessing paraquet file using R library Arrow on Compute Instance

  1. Paraquet file access using Arrow on ubuntu 16.04 throws an error:


test_read <-read_parquet("~/mnt/batch/tasks/shared/LS_root/mounts/clusters/citest/code/userdata1.parquet")

test_read <-read_parquet("~/mnt/batch/tasks/shared/LS_root/mounts/clusters/citest/code/userdata1.parquet")
Error in io___MemoryMappedFile__Open(path, mode) :
Cannot call io___MemoryMappedFile__Open(). Please use arrow::install_arrow() to install required runtime libraries.

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+1 for this issue.
The error is reproducible with latest version and 0.17 as per the suggestion at

The issue still occurs after running arrow::install_arrow()

Observed this bug in the latest R version as well.

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