Issue with bibliography in yaml header

I try to create a report template, which works fine as long as I specify the bibliography in the LaTex-Template. If I try to do the same in the yaml header and access it $bibliography$ I receive an error:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.312   \bibliograpgy

The header of my document looks like this:

title: "Markdown Template"
author: Its Me
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d.%B %Y')`"
    citation_package: natbib
    keep_tex: true
    number_sections: true
    template: G:/Work/MarkDown/Templates/ReportTemplate.tex
bibliography: F:/Bibliography/Bibliography.bib
biblio-style: gerplain
natbiboptions: "numbers,super,colon,square"

And here my Latex Template:


\usepackage[german,ngerman, english]{babel}








  \textrm{$author$,  $date$}\\





I'm not sure what the best approach is for fixing this, but YAML is definitely sensitive to colons (since it's what designates the break between key-value pairs).

This thread has a few different approaches (including just quoting the string):

as does this StackOverflow thread:

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Hi Mara,
thanks for the quick reply.
I guess I failed to express my problem properly. It's not the natbiboptions with it's commas in my yaml - this works. I'm just not able to access the bibliography as a variable in my LaTex code by \bibliography{bibliography}.
I've to write in LaTeX \bibliography{F:/Bibliography/Bibliography.bib} to make it work.

Seems to be a typo:

l.312   \bibliograpgy

maybe bibliography instead of bibliograpgy will fix your problem