Issue with output pdf file's path (if .Rmd is located on network drive)

I cannot knit pdfs with tinytex, because something's going on with the output file and/or its path.

Because of restrictions at my workplace, I have installed tinytex via install_prebuilt(). Apart from a popped-up Window that tells me that "texhash does not work anymore" during the installation process, everything appeared to work fine, and tinytex, pdflatex etc. were indeed installed.

However, whenever I try to knit a pdf document, I receive an error such as this:

Output created: MyDoc.pdf
Fehler in abs_path(output_file) :
The file 'MyDoc.pdf' does not exist.
Ruft auf: <Anonymous> -> abs_path
Ausführung angehalten

(This roughly translates to

Output created: MyDoc.pdf
Error in abs_path(output_file) :
The file 'MyDoc.pdf' does not exist.
Calls: <Anonymous> -> abs_path
Execution stopped


Do you have any idea how one might solve this?

OK, I think the problem is that all my files live on a network drive. I realized can knit pdfs on my local drive. Possibly related to this bug report.

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